  • 學位論文


Interpersonal Self-Defining Memory and Interpersonal Self-Efficacy in Emerging Adulthood

指導教授 : 程景琳


本研究之主要目的在於,以自傳式記憶的敘事分析取向,探討成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶與人際自我效能間的關係。本研究之研究對象為105位成年初顯期之年輕人,其中男性21位、女性84位,平均年齡為20.7歲。研究工具包含「人際互動情況量表」和「人際自我定義記憶問卷」;後者之內容分析向度包含:「解釋歷程」、「情緒語調」和「事件內容」。本研究有以下四點主要發現: 一、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶與人際自我效能有顯著的相關。 1、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的污染化歷程與整體人際自我效能、及「主動」和「自我坦露」兩個面向的人際自我效能有顯著的負相關。 2、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的意義化歷程與整體人際自我效能、及「情緒支持」面向的人際自我效能有顯著的正相關。 3、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的污染化歷程對整體人際自我效能有顯著的負向預測力。 4、成年初顯期階段之人際自我定義記憶的意義化歷程對整體人際自我效能有顯著的正向預測力。 二、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的事件內容和情緒語調有顯著的相關。 1、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的衝突事件與情緒語調有顯著的負相關。 2、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的親近事件與情緒語調有顯著的正相關。 3、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的分離事件與情緒語調有顯著的負相關。 三、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的情緒語調與污染化歷程有顯著的負相關。 四、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的事件內容和解釋歷程的有顯著的相關。 1、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的親近事件與污染化歷程有顯著的負相關。 2、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的衝突事件與意義化歷程有顯著的正相關。 3、成年初顯期之人際自我定義記憶的衝突伴隨分離事件與污染化歷程有顯著的正相關。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between emerging adults’ interpersonal self-defining memories and interpersonal self-efficacy. The Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire and the Interpersonal Self-Defining Memory Questionnaire were administered to 105 emerging adults (21 males and 84 females). The Interpersonal Self-Defining Memory Questionnaire was to collect three personally important narratives related to peer interaction, which were coded for the redemption sequences, the contamination sequence, emotional tone, and event content (including conflict, intimacy and separation) to assess the emerging adults’ interpretation of past events. Four major findings were as follows: First, the contamination sequences of the interpersonal self-defining narratives were negatively correlated with the initiation and the disclosure scores of self-efficacy, and significantly predicted the overall interpersonal self-efficacy. The redemption sequences of the interpersonal self-defining narratives were positively correlated with the emotional support scores of self-efficacy, and significantly predicted the overall interpersonal self-efficacy. Second, the conflict and separation contents of the narratives were negatively correlated with the overall emotional tones of the narratives. The intimacy contents of the narratives were positively correlated with the overall emotional tones of the narratives. Third, the overall emotional tones of the narratives were negatively correlated with the contamination sequences of the narratives. Fourth, the intimacy contents of the narratives were negatively correlated with the contamination sequences of the narratives. The conflict contents of the narratives were positively correlated with the redemption sequences of the narratives. The conflict and separation contents of the narratives were positively correlated with the contamination sequences of the narratives. Research limitations and possible implications for future research were also discussed in the study.


邱秀燕(2000)。青少年家庭系統分化 、心理分離-個體化、自我發展及情緒適應之相關研究。國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導研究所碩士論文。
