  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 程景琳


本研究主要目的在探討成年初顯期年輕人的自我認同狀態與心理幸福感之間的關係,同時結合自我認同狀態取向以及敘事的分析取向進一步探討成年初顯期年輕人從過去重要經驗中所形成的自我定義記憶與其自我認同狀態、心理幸福感之間的關係。本研究之研究對象為114位成年初顯期階段年輕人,其中男性14位,女性100位,平均年齡為20.6歲。本研究的研究工具包含「自我認同狀態量表」、「心理幸福感量表」和「自我定義記憶問卷」。其中「自我定義記憶問卷」之內容分析向度為「意義賦予評分」以及「解釋歷程評分」。本研究有以下四點主要的發現: 一、 成年初顯期年輕人自我認同狀態與心理幸福感有顯著的相關。 1. 認同達成狀態與整體心理幸福感以及「自主性」、「環境掌控」、「個人成長」、「正向人際關係」、「生活目的」和「自我接納」六個心理幸福感向度有顯著的正相關。 2. 認同尋求狀態與整體心理幸福感以及「自主性」、「環境掌控」、「生活目的」和「自我接納」四個心理幸福感向度有顯著的負相關。 3. 認同混淆狀態與整體心理幸福感以及「自主性」、「環境掌控」、「個人成長」、「正向人際關係」、「生活目的」和「自我接納」六個心理幸福感向度有顯著的負相關。 4. 認同早閉狀態與整體心理幸福感以及「個人成長」向度的心理幸福感有顯著的負相關。 二、 成年初顯期年輕人的自我認同狀態與自我定義記憶中的解釋歷程有顯著的相關。 1. 成年初顯期年輕人的認同達成狀態與自我定義記憶中的「負向化歷程」有顯著的負相關,且認同達成狀態與自我定義記憶中的「積極化歷程」有顯著的正相關。 2. 成年初顯期年輕人的認同混淆狀態與自我定義記憶中的「負向化歷程」有顯著的正相關。 三、 成年初顯期年輕人自我定義記憶中的解釋歷程與心理幸福感有顯著的相關。 1. 成年初顯期年輕人自我定義記憶中的「負向化歷程」與整體心理幸福感,以及「自主性」、「個人成長」、「正向人際關係」、「生活目的」和「自我接納」五個心理幸福感向度有顯著的負相關。 2. 成年初顯期年輕人自我定義記憶中的「積極化歷程」與整體心理幸福感,以及「自主性」、「環境掌控、」「個人成長」、「正向人際關係」、「生活目的」和「自我接納」六個心理幸福感向度有顯著的正相關。 四、 成年初顯期年輕人自我定義記憶中的解釋歷程對自我認同狀態與心理幸福感之間關係有中介效果。 1. 成年初顯期年輕人自我定義記憶中的「負向化歷程」分別對認同達成狀態與心理幸福感、認同混淆狀態與心理幸福感之間關係有中介效果。 2. 成年初顯期年輕人自我定義記憶中的「積極化歷程」對認同達成狀態與心理幸福感之間關係有中介效果。


The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships among emerging adults’ identity statuses, self-defining memories and psychological well-being. The Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status, the Self-Defining Memory Questionnaire, and the Scales of Psychological Well-Being were administered to 114 emerging adults (14 males and 100 females). The Self-Defining Memory Questionnaire was to collect a turning-point narrative, which was coded for the sophistication of meaning-making, redemption sequences, and the contamination sequence to assess the emerging adults’ interpretation of past events. Four major findings were as follows: First, the scores of the identity achievement status were positively correlated with all six subscales and the composite measure of psychological well-being. The scores of the identity diffusion status were negatively correlated with all six subscales and the composite measure of psychological well-being. The scores of the identity moratorium status were negatively correlated with four of the six subscales (autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose of life, and self-acceptance) and the composite measure of psychological well-being. The scores of the identity foreclosure status were negatively correlated with the subscale of purpose of life and the composite measure of psychological well-being. Second, the scores of the identity achievement status were positively correlated with the redemption sequences of the turning-point narratives, and negatively correlated with the contamination sequence. The scores of the identity diffusion status were positively correlated with the contamination sequence of the turning-point narratives. Third, redemption sequences of the turning-point narratives were positively correlated with all six subscales and the composite measure of psychological well-being. The contamination sequence of the turning-point narratives was negatively correlated with five of the six subscales (autonomy, purpose of life, positive relationship with others, purpose of life, and self-acceptance) and the composite measure of psychological well-being. Finally, the redemption and the contamination sequences of the turning-point narratives respectively mediated the relationships between the achievement status and the psychological well-being. The contamination of the turning-point narratives mediated the relationships between the diffusion status and the psychological well-being. Research limitations and possible implications for future research were also discussed in the study.




