  • 學位論文


The Significance of Family Education to Overseas Chinese Education:A Case Study of Chinese Americans in Non-Chinese Communities

指導教授 : 王秀惠


隨著全球化之影響以及中國大陸的崛起,掀起一股華文學習熱潮,而華僑華人之相關研究亦日益受到關注;相形之下,海外華人教育等相關議題之專書則較為闕如。每當提到華人教育,其焦點多半投射至華文教育及華文學校。然而華文教育是否等同於華人教育呢?還是應涵蓋更廣泛之範圍舉凡︰華人家庭教育、父母教養、當地社會文化等等更多元的視角。 近期適逢《虎媽戰歌》一書之推出,引起各界對「中國式的家庭教育」等相關議題之討論與關注,由此更促使筆者研究家庭教育對於海外華人教育之意義的動機。而本次研究重心將以海外華人中的美國華人為研究重點,主要研究對象與區域為1965年以後以留學為名義、具有高度專業的知識分子、經濟背景之人才,並舉家遷移美國較少華人群居的郊區,例如︰亞歷桑納州、康乃狄克州、喬治亞州等,希冀從中瞭解其家庭教育方式以及海外教養的優勢與困境舉凡︰空間的寬廣,足以提供其子女充分的休閒環境與空間、得以和來自世界各地的移民互動,並進一步接觸較多元的語言與文化;或是憂心東、西方文化之間的衝突,使得孩子放棄學習中文、一味西化而不認同中華文化等問題。 根據此次的研究,不論是文獻探討或實際訪談,皆指出華文教育與華人教育之間的確不盡相同;而東、西兩方在文化、家庭教育與教養等方面也確實有其異同之處,傳統的儒家思想和東方文化、習俗諸如︰民間故事、孝敬長輩、循規蹈矩、重禮數、飲食習慣等等對於海外華人之家庭教育仍影響甚鉅。然而華人家庭在美國這個移民多元的大環境中也著實面臨一些抉擇與挑戰,例如父母在家的使用語言、對於美國當地文化之理解、在面臨東西兩方不同的文化與教育背景時,身為華人父母所秉持之立場與態度等。從此亦可看出父母的教育方式之於海外華人子女的確扮演著相當重要的角色,同時根據此次的研究發現在語言學習、學校課業表現或未來去向選擇等三個層面皆可看出家庭教育中,父母的教育方式對於其子女的行為與表現具有相當程度的意義與影響性。


With The fever of learning Chinese keeps rising in the world with the trend of globalization and the rise of China. Studies on overseas Chinese have gained much attention; however, relatively few studies focus on overseas Chinese education, differing from Chinese language education, which includes Chinese family education, parenting, and local social cultural education. The publishing of The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has triggered a liberal discussion of Chinese style family education in the world, which motivated the researcher to explore the significance of family education on overseas Chinese education. The participants of the present study are Chinese population in America with high education background and high social economic status who immigrated to the United States after 1965 for studying. The participants reside in non-Chinese community suburban areas in Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, etc. Through semi-structured interview and critical review of literature, the researcher seeks to understand the advantages and disadvantages in child rearing in a foreign country. The result shows that the advantages of raising children in a foreign country include spacious environment that allows children to enjoy leisure activities, and exposure to diverse languages and cultures through interacting with other immigrants. On the other hand, the parents are worried about children giving up learning Chinese language due to cultural conflicts or children being westernized and do not identify themselves with Chinese culture. It was found that there indeed is difference in Chinese language education and Chinese education. Culture, family education and parenting also differ in western and eastern parts of the world. Traditional Confucianism and eastern cultural traditions such as folklores, filial piety, obedience, etiquette and eating habits play an important role in overseas Chinese family education. Nevertheless, Chinese families in the United States, where cultural diversity exists, are faced with challenges and dilemmas in aspects like choice of home language, understanding of the local culture, and dealing with cultural conflicts as parents. The study has found that in family education, parenting style has significant influence on the children’s language learning, academic achievement and future career development.


李巧雯(2005)。美國華人新移民社會發展與適應之初探。中興史學,(11), 1-32。
李定勇(2010)。美國加州地區中文學校調查研究 。台灣師範大學碩士學位論文。
