  • 學位論文


Organism constraint and task constraints of consecutive Chinese cursive writing

指導教授 : 楊梓楣


協調受到動作者屬性及外在條件制約所影響,亦即個體、工作與環境限制,三者交互作用引致個體最適化協調之產出。本研究立基於動作協調觀點,欲藉由個體與工作限制之操弄,探究兩者對於書寫表現之影響。本研究招募36名未受書法相關專業訓練之成人參與者,依書寫者執筆手與書寫姿勢分為:右慣用手非迴腕書寫者、左慣用手迴腕書寫者以及左慣用手非迴腕書寫者三種書寫者類型,每組12名;相依變項為書寫工具筆尖性質(硬筆與軟筆)及執筆手(慣用手與非慣用手),於不同書寫情境下進行漢字草書連筆書寫任務,分析書寫樣本與六自由度磁力追蹤儀所記錄之資料,以3(組別)x 2(筆尖性質)x 2(執筆手)混合設計三因子變異數分析,後二因子為重複量數,針對每秒書寫面積、各關節交叉相關係數與關節角度變異進行統計考驗,檢證書寫表現與肢體內協調形式的變化與差異。結果顯示書寫者類型、筆尖性質與執筆手會交互影響書寫表現,不同書寫者類型與執筆手會有不同之動作協調形式,不同書寫工具會引致協調形式之改變。


書寫 毛筆 書寫姿勢 協調


Coordination is affected by the property of the organism and external conditions, that is, organism, task, and environment constraints would interact with one another to induce the production of the most appropriate coordination. This research based on the movement coordination viewpoint. Organism and task constraints were manipulated to explore how the writing performances were influenced. Thirty-six healthy adults who were not well-trained in Chinese calligraphic skills were recruited. According to the writing dominant-hand and the writing posture, the 36 participants were classified into three groups: (1) right-handed non-inverter, (2) left-handed non-inverter, and (3) left-handed inverter. The repeated dependent variables include the characteristic of the pen-tip (hard and soft) and writing hand (dominant and non-dominant hand). Participants were required to perform the straight-line Chinese cursive-writing task under different writing conditions. The writing sample and the position data recorded by the Polhemus Liberty were analyzed. In order to find the differences of writing performances and the changes of intra-limb coordination patterns, the writing square measured per second, cross-correlation coefficient of target joints, and the variability of the joint degrees were statistically analyzed by mixed-designed three-way ANOVAs: 3 (groups) x 2 (pen-tip properties) x 2 (writing hands). The later two factors were repeated measures. The results showed that the types of the writer, the characteristic of the pen-tip, and the writing hand would interact to influence the writing performance. Different were found in movement coordination pattern among different groups and writing hands. Writing tools would induce the coordination pattern to change.


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