  • 學位論文


Discussions of the professional developments of science intern case teachers respectively under new and old intern systems via discourse analysis

指導教授 : 黃芳裕


在整個教育體系上,師資培育的良窳佔有舉足輕重的地位,過去教育師質的培育從師範院校的學生畢業後即可至中等學校服務,隨著相關師資培育法規的訂定,師資培育的來源也隨之多元化,各大專院校的學生只要修畢了教育學程及完成教育實習後,亦可於中等學校任教,而實習制度的改變,在師資的專業成長上,是否可因新的師資培育法施行而獲得提昇?這是一項值得師資教育學者與教育行政主管機關深思的問題。本研究便從不同的面向分別來探討各一位的新舊制理化實習個案教師,希望藉由此分析,釐清一些新舊制中引起爭議的地方。 本研究採取質的研究,以近一年的時間分別觀察各一位的新制及舊制的理化實習教師的專業成長,在整個觀察的期間,我們收集了不定期的晤談資料以及教室觀察的錄影,晤談對象包括了新舊制理化實習教師和其校內相關的行政人員,接著採用論述分析的架構來對所收集到的論述資料做更進一步的分析,本研究所討論的論述分析主要有以下三個層面: (一)對現象的理解因而綜合而成的世界觀、科學本質與科學知識; (二)對文字的運用所演譯而成的社會符號與表達習慣等等; (三)對情境的理解所組成進而形成的表現,強調不純為表面的描述,而是對情境和現象的理解後所產生的深層表徵。在新舊制理化實習教師的成長比較上,分別從不同的面向來分析,所歸納出的結果如下: 1.實習制度的改變,使得理化實習教師在實習學校中的成長亦產生改變,師資培育的理念及課程等有相對調整的空間。 2.新制實習制度使得理化實習教師重視到實習學校的社會環境、社區特性、學校的特色及相關輔導的期待等源自教育體系或社會群體之影響,使科學教師的成長朝向正面。 3.假若科學教師的角色,仍是過去的『科學專家』之期許,則新制實習教師的表現值得檢討,但這些現象可能的歸因是社會角度地位與學生的扭曲等。 4.新制實習制度中,師資培育理念、實習學校的環境和期許等在教師的成長具有較大的支配性,如何培育出高品質的科學教師,可能須從這些面向加以探討和深思。 實習制度的改變對理化實習教師其本身對科學本質的理解、對科學語言的運用以及對社會符號的詮釋上等因素,會因整個實習制度的變化而有相對調整的空間,且會被學校文化所支配,新制實習制度與學校的文化更是密切。以上的結果,固然不足以代表整個實習制度的全貌,但期能以本研究找出實習制度的相關問題。


The influence of teacher development plays an important role on the whole educational system.In the past,only the students who graduated from the teachers college or normal university are qualified to be regular teachers in the middle school.When the establishment of associated educational laws begins,the origin of teacher development becomes available in multiple ways.Once the students complete the educational courses and one-year internship,then they are qualified to be regular teachers in the middle school.As the intern system alters,will the professional development of teachers be promoted with implementation of the new educational laws?This is a question which should be noticed and deliberated by the educational researcher and authorities concerned.Our research discusses’ the developments of one new intern science teacher and one old intern science teacher respectively from distinct dimensions and rectify the arguments between the two intern systems with these analyses. Our studies apply in qualitative research and spent almost one year observing the professional development of one new intern science teacher and one old intern science teacher.During our observation, we collected the interviewing materials irregularly scheduled and the record of classroom observation.We interviewed the intern teachers and school administrator and transcribed the interview materials into text materials.We further analyse the text materials based on the structure of discourse analysis which mainly contains the following three aspects:(1) the comprehension of phenomenon results in worldview ,the nature of science and scientific knowledge.(2) the social symbol and habitus demonstrated from the usage of text.(3) the performance resulted from the understanding of context and focused on the deeply representation after the understanding of context and phenomenon figured out instead of the description of appearance.From the comparsion of professional developments of the two intern teachers in distinct dimentions,we generalized the following conclusions: 1.The development of science teachers in the intern school’s environment change as the intern system alters,in which the idea and curriculum of teacher development also needed to be adjusted. 2.New intern system forces the science intern teacher to pay more attention to the social environment of intern school、the character of the community、the property of school and the expectation from the educational system or social system,which makes the development of science teacher toward positive way. 3.If the role of science teacher is still regarded as the 『scientific specialist』, then the development of the new intern teacher may be under deliberation,which is likely ascribed to the status of society and the distortion from the students. 4.In the new intern system, the idea of teacher development、the intern school’s environment and expectation predominate more in the teacher development which should be discussed and considered from those dimensions to give rise to high quality science teacher. The reform of intern system affects much in the ways which science intern teachers themselves think of the nature of science 、conduct the scientific language and interpret the social symbol,and by the way induces a space to adjust as the system alters and will be dominated by the school culture. Hence the new intern system has closer relationship with the school culture. According to the above conclusions,we can not take those as the total phenomenon of the intern system but we may hope to find out some certain problems in the intern system based on our studies.




