  • 學位論文


A Study on Fund-Raising of Normal and Education University in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝文全


本研究透過文獻分析與問卷調查研究法,探討我國師資培育機構募款之功能、原則、策略、歷程、困境與解決辦法,並依據研究發現與結論,提出建議,供相關人員或機關參考。 調查研究對象為我國師範與教育大學之一般行政人員、學術行政主管以及教師,採分層立意抽樣之方式,共計抽樣720人,經問卷回收,實得有效樣本244份。 綜合文獻分析與問卷調查結果,得到以下結論: 一、募款可發揮增加經費運用彈性與擴充校舍與設備等多項功能。然目前師培機構發揮上述功能的程度偏低。 二、募款宜掌握透明化與合法化等等原則。但目前師培機構掌握上述原則的程度不高,尤其在策略創意性以及成員專業性上,落實的程度最低。 三、募款組織應以成立專責單位為優先,其次才是任務編組。目前兩種方式師培機構都有採行,但其中以採行任務編組的較多。 四、募款可向企業、校友與基金會等等對象募款。但目前師培機構大多集中向校友募款,對其他募款來源的策略規劃較不積極。 五、小額募款與大額募款的可行性皆相當高,均應予以重視。但目前師培機構僅以募集小額捐款為重心,較忽視大額募款的策略規劃。 六、募款時機可分為持續性、隨機性與特定性等三種,惟宜以持續性為主,特定性為輔。而目前師培機構在募款特定時機的運用上較顯不足。 七、以理性訴求為主,情感訴求為輔的募款策略較佳。目前師培機構雖採用情感訴求者較多,但採用這兩種訴求方式的程度均不高。 八、以心理酬賞為主,實質酬賞為輔的募款策略較佳。然目前師培機構採用上述訴求策略的程度不高,且採行的程度差不多。 九、傳遞募款訊息可用舉辦活動、親訪、寄發書面信函等多項方式。其中目前師培機構較少採用的方式為戶外廣告、發傳單及大眾傳媒。 十、募款應遵循的歷程包括分析情境、擬計畫、定目標等九項步驟。目前師培機構落實各步驟的程度均偏低,其中以評鑑的落實程度最差。 十一、師培機構可能遭遇的募款困境,包括捐款風氣不盛與無專責單位等多項。師培機構目前亦均遭遇這些困境,尤以捐款風氣不盛最為嚴重。 十二、為解決師培機構募款困境,師培機構與政府應攜手共同努力。可採取如:健全學校財務監督機制、加強募款宣導等等多項辦法。 十三、不同背景填答者對師資培育機構募款的各項看法,大同小異。 依研究發現與結論,本研究分別對師資培育機構與政府提供各項建議,以供相關人員或單位參考。


Through Literature review and questionnaire survey, this study explored the functions, principles, strategies, difficulties and supplementary measures of Normal and Education University in Taiwan. The subjects of questionnaire surrey are administrators and teachers of Normal and Education University in Taiwan. Questionnaires of 720 copies were dispatched. The 244 returned questionnaires were valid. The conclusions are as follows: 1.Fund-raising has lots of functions. However, it does not work very well. The top priority is to expand the school buildings and facilities, and elaborate the quality of the teaching and research. 2.Fund-raising should hold some principles, such as open, legal and multiple. But nowadays the Normal and Education University do not use them very well, especially the creativity of strategies and the specialty of the faculty. 3.Establishing the Fund-Raising department can raise the funding for the school, but it hasn’t been carried out. 4.Normal and Education University have a lot of sources on fund-raising. The main source is alumnus, but others are not applied frequently . 5.We should put emphasis on small-sum contribution and large-sum contribution. However, nowadays our Normal and Education University focus on small-sum contribution fund-raising, in place of strategies and plans of large-sum contribution fund raising. 6.Normal and Education University can use the main fund-raising strategy as fund-raising regularly, randomly and specifically. But the strategy of fund-raising specifically can be improved. 7.Normal and Education University can use the main fund-raising strategy as rational appeal, and use the assistant strategy as emotional appeal. But Normal and Education University use the emotional appeal much more now. 8.Normal and Education University can use the main fund-raising strategy as mentality honorarium, and use the assistant strategy as substance honorarium .They are applied frequently. 9.Normal and Education University can use many channels to announce found-raising messages, and most of strategies have been used, except for advertisement and mass media. 10.The procedures of found-raising are important, but they still need to be improved. 11.There are lots of difficulties for found-raising, such as the climate of subscribing and no found-raising department. 12.The ways to solve the difficulties of the fund-raising of Normal and Education University include establish a sound supervision system of school finance and reinforce the advertisement of fund-raising. Normal and Education University and the government should establish a sound supervision system of school finance as soon as possible. 13.People with different background have the similar thoughts about the found-raising of Normal and Education University. Finally, according to the conclusions, this study offers suggestions for teachers, and administrative officials.


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