  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 卜小蝶


現今網路十分普及,網路資訊已成為許多人的重要資訊來源。雖然網路資源豐富多元、取得便利,但網路資源龐雜,網路資訊檢索系統功能有限,以及網路使用者本身資訊素養不足,導致使用者搜尋網路資訊遭遇困難,因此有不少研究提出,運用檢索技巧將有助於快速有效查詢網路資訊。本研究希望分析歸納具圖書資訊領域背景的熟手使用之網路資源檢索技巧,並了解其檢索行為特性,以提供一般網路使用者參考,也可提供圖書館利用教育或資訊素養等課程內容設計時予以考量。 本研究採文獻分析法、實驗觀察法、問卷調查法、及訪談法進行,研究所得資料之分析採質量並重,並藉由立意抽樣方式及滾雪球法尋得受試者,有效樣本共計13名,包括5位參考館員及8位研究生。研究結果顯示,熟手使用之搜尋工具相當多元化,在進行檢索前熟手會先分析檢索問題的熟悉度、類型、主題、區域性、時效性、及難易度,選出合適之資訊來源或檢索工具;在發展檢索詞彙方面,除考量有關檢索問題的5W1H,出現於搜尋結果中的相關詞也是重要檢索詞彙來源;在過濾資訊方面,熟手經常利用站內或文內搜尋功能,迅速找到所需資訊出現之位置,且會依資訊之原創性、正確性、權威性、完整性、新穎性、熱門性、相關性進行過濾篩選。最後根據研究所得結果,針對網路資訊檢索技巧課程內容設計及網路資訊檢索系統設計兩個面向提出建議。


With the popularization of network, internet resources are important information resources for many users nowadays. Although internet resources are plentiful, various, and easy to access, the numerous information and poor quality bring users a great difficulty to search web information efficiently. In addition, the retrieval limitations of search engines and the shortage of users’ search knowledge also make the problem get worse. In order to alleviate this problem, many researchers investigate search tactics and claim that making good use of search tactics will be helpful to search web information. As a result, the goals of this study are to collect those search tactics employed by experts of Library and Information Science field and to analyze their web information search behavior. The researcher used 4 research methods to gather data, including literature analysis, experimental observation, questionnaire, and interview. Subjects were 5 reference librarians and 8 graduate students who had to accomplish 4 search tasks. The search result showed that before choosing the information resource or search tool, experts would analyze the familiarity, type, subject, region, timeliness, and degree of difficulty of the search problem. In addition, experts would analyze the search problem based on 6 aspects (What, Who, Where, When, Why, How) to find out the proper search terms. Also, experts frequently used the relate terms showed in the search results as keywords. Furthermore, experts often used in-site search and find function to locate the search terms and filter the information quickly. To get better quality information, experts followed some criteria such as origin, accuracy, authority, completeness, novelty, popularity, and relevance to evaluate and filter web information. According to search result, the researcher provided suggestions for the design of web information literacy courses and web search system for improvement.


吳宜榛(2007)。可專利性檢索之檢索技巧研究- 以「專利工程師」為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810553063
