  • 學位論文


External and internal factor affecting on performance of totally blind students in mathematics of the Basic Competence Test

指導教授 : 譚克平


為了要評估盲生在接受國中基本學力測驗的測驗調整措施之後,是否能夠維持其應試的權益與公平性。本研究利用個案研究的方式觀察全盲學生在回答國中基本學力測驗數學科點字試題的解題歷程,一方面欲瞭解實際「測驗延長時間」和「題目的呈現方式」等外在因素對於全盲考生的影響;另一方面希望藉由探討外在因素的研究歷程中,發現有哪些內在因素會影響全盲生的解題表現。故本研究的研究目的為:欲瞭解影響國中全盲生回答國中基本學力測驗數學科表現的因素。 本研究分為兩研究,研究一以個案研究的方式,觀察三位國三全盲生在沒有時間限制下處理國中基本學力測驗數學科點字試題的情形,與深度訪談的方式,以獲得全盲生接受基本學測題目呈現方式的調整是否適當,及探討影響盲生解題表現。研究二則以基本學測的法定時間內,獲取全盲生處理國中基本學力測驗數學科點字試題的解題速度和正確率,以輔助研究一的研究結果。在資料分析方面,因本研究對象只有三人,因此以描述性統計方式分析解題速度和正確率,並以質的方法深入個案研究分析。 本研究結果顯示,全盲生在國中基本學力測驗數學科表現的影響因素如下: 一、外在因素─時間:可以發現三位學生平均一題約需2.6~3分鐘作答,在有圖表的題目平均一題約需3.66分鐘作答,所需時間是一般學生的1.5倍以上,雖然目前盲生可以要求延長測驗時間20分鐘,但仍和所需時間有所差距。 二、其他外在因素有:1.放大的觸覺圖形,較難迅速知覺圖形的整體;2.線條的粗細和格線的呈現,有時會干擾知覺主體和背景圖形;3.圖形的點字說明歪斜或不清楚造成辨識上的困難;4.分割複雜的圖表如開方表,不利於解題的進行;5.部分題目文字跨頁呈現,使閱讀速度緩慢,或是摸錯題目;6.運算工具所引起的限制;7.數學點字記號引起的困難;8.立體圖形引起的困難。 三、內在因素有:本身數學知識、題目的基模知識、自身圖形探索能力、解題習慣。 根據本研究結果,可提供基本學測的建議是測驗時間應該以該次測驗圖表的數量做比例上的調整,每題宜增為1.5倍的時間;有關於修圖方面,盲生倚賴觸覺無法正確的區辨複雜平面圖形中的背景和主題,因此需要將圖形簡化成盲生可以感知,但又不會改變題目要評量的目標,而有關於立體圖形應做刪減;對於老師教學的建議是加強盲生數學概念的學習,及圖形的知覺探索能力。


This research was intended to evaluate if blind students acquire equity and equality through the use of test accommodation of the Basic Competence Test for junior high students. We adopted case study to observe problem solving process of totally blind students when they take mathematical Braille items of the Basic Competence Test. We hoped to investigate external factors like extended testing time and presentation format affect on performance of blind students, and also hoped to investigate if any internal factors also had effect. The primary purpose of this research is to investigate any factor affect on performance of totally blind junior high students in mathematics of the Basic Competence Test. This research was divided into two studies. In study one, we adopted case study design to observe and interview three blind ninth-graded students to participate the Basic Competence Test in mathematics, and test time was without limit. We wanted to get information about the effect of the use of presentation format accommodations on test and how to affect on performance of blind students. In study two, situation was similar with study one, but time was limited in one hour. The result of study two about problem solving velocity and correctness of answer were used to supplement the result of study one. Because of the small sample size, data analysis was performed mostly by means of descriptive statistics, and qualitative case study method. As a result, we can find some factors affect on performance of totally blind junior high students in mathematics of the Basic Competence Test: 1.External factor---time: three blind students average spent 2.6~3 minutes for each item, and they average needed 3.66 minutes to solve item with diagrams. So needed test time of blind students is 1.5 times as needed test time of common students. Although blind students can ask an extra 20 minutes for test, but time is still not enough. 2.Other external factor: (a) enlarged tactual diagram is difficult to percept entirely; (b) perception of principle picture and background is disturbed by degree of thickness of lines and checker; (c) tilted or unclear Braille is difficult to identify; (d) divided complex diagram impede problem solving; (e) some items were not presented on single page in result of decreasing reading velocity of blind examinees or reading wrong item; (f) difficulty from mathematical Braille; (g) difficulty from three-dimensional drawing. 3.Internal factor: mathematical knowledge, schema knowledge of problem, exploring ability of diagram, and habit of problem solving. According to the result of this research, we can provide suggestions for test accommodation policy of the Basic Competence Test for junior high students. Test time should change with the quantity of diagram of the test. Because of difficulty from identifying background and principle picture by touch, diagram should be simplified to percept easily without change target of evaluation. And three-dimensional drawing should be deleted. The suggestions for teaching of teacher are to advance blind students learning mathematical concepts and exploring ability of diagram.


教育部 (民89)。高中職多元入學方案。
教育部 (民92)。國民中小學九年一貫課程數學領域課程綱要。
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