  • 學位論文


The Problems of the Environmental Criminal Law in Taiwan from the Point of Comparative Law

指導教授 : 劉幸義


論文提要內容: 第一章、前言包含研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法以及研究架構之說明。先從環境之基本概念切入,再將問題的主要的著眼點放在環境刑法中因果關係認定之部分,以及環境犯罪跨國界之處理,最後再將其做一連結。 第二章、環境刑法之形成與發展。首先由環境的內涵為出發,本文將環境切割為自然環境與人文環境,再去區分環境刑法所謂之環境為何?之後再去探究是否具有環境權之存在,從環境權之存在為前提,再去討論是否有所謂刑法上之環境法益的存在?在肯定有環境法益存在的前提下,檢視其內涵是以何種角度觀之?學說有提出幾種見解,惟本文仍認為環境法益在最終仍是回歸到保護人類為其目的,蓋法律的目的即為人。之後點出環境公害之特性,鋪陳其在因果關係以及跨領犯罪所形成之問題,為第三章和第四章的原因先行陳述。在本章的最後,去討論環境犯究竟應以刑罰或以行政罰處罰之,本文以為其行為之處罰究以行政罰或刑罰為處罰之,乃係立法政策之使然,在質與量的區分上,其僅具有學理上的區分,實際上不會依照其質量上之區分為相對應之處罰之採取。 第三章、因果關係上認定之難題。首先提出因為環境事件之特性所造成的因果關係認定上之問題,提出實例去檢視實務上的態度為何?之後去介紹各種傳統因果關係,並說明其在環境案件中所產生的缺失。依民事判決有在環境案件中採取疫學因果關係為環境案件因果關係認定之標準,惟其是否可以採為刑事案件認定的標準?故在其後有提出日本法的推定因果關係為比較,在結論上,本文仍認為應以傳統因果關係為判斷方法,惟可加入疫學因果關係為判斷之基準。 第四章、環境刑法之國際問題。有許多公害問題仍係跨國界者,而這樣的跨國界犯罪必須如何處理?本章即在處理環境刑法有關涉外或係國際性之問題。 第五章、結論。就各章之結論為一總結。


Abstracts content: Chapter One:Preliminary The preamble contains the research motivation and purpose,scope and methods of study and research framework for the explanation.In recent years,we can feel climate variability clearly.We also can know some news about the climate change when we read the newspaper.In order to change the status,there should be the corresponding changes in the legal system.This paper is from the perspective of the penal law to observethe problems of the environmental criminal law and trying to find solution methods.In the beginning,we start with the basic concepts of the environment,and then focusing on causal relationship in environmental criminal law,as well as the handling of cross-border environmental crime.Finally we make them combined. Chapter Two:The development of environmental criminal law. First of all,we think about what’s the core of environment.we distinguish between natural environment and cultural environment.Then,we know what’s the correct meaning of environment in environmental criminal law.We discuss whether environmental rights exist.Then we discuss whether environmental legal interest in criminal law exist.But,what’s the content of environmental legal interest in criminal law?There are several theories which are proposed.In this paper,it still considers that protecting human beings is the purpose of environmental legal interest of criminal law.Because the purpose of law is human beings.And then we point out the characteristics of pollution.In the end of this chapter,we discuss whether the environment crimes should be commit penalties or administrative penalties.In this paper,it consider that we choose what kind of penalties which depend on legislative policy.In fact,the punishment isn’t taken by the academic distinctions. Chapter three:The difficulty of causal relationship. First,we propose the questions of causal relationship,and view the points of practical examples.And then introducing all kinds of theories of traditional causal relationship,and explain why they do not work.In civil cases,some judgments take epidemiological causal relationship to identified the causal relationship in environmental cases.But is it also considered the standard of criminal cases?In Japan,there is presumption of causation been taken.But in the conclusions,this article still considered that we have to use traditional method for judging the causal relationship,but we can still add the standard of epidemiological for judging the causal relationship. Chapter four:environmental criminal law of international issues. There are many cross-border pollution problems are still the Department of persons,and such cross-border crime must be how to deal with.Therefore,at first ,identify the form of international crime.In general,sovereignty is inalienable.So,how to punish the prisoners with a unified organization is the question in international crimes.So we take the International Criminal Court as an example,to analyse the possibility to establish the International Environmental Criminal Court.Excepting punishment by International organization,we discuss the way to deal with cross-border crimes with traditional criminal prosecution..The traditional cross-border criminal prosecution is Extradition.But there are a lot of obstacles.It’s the question.In general,mostly used in order to make the Convention on Extradition to get rid of the obstacles to extradition.So we got a conclusion.No matter what kind of international environmental crime prosecution,shall be assisted by international law to achieve the purpose of criminal prosecution. Chapter five:Conclusion. Make conclusions of each chapter,and make the connections to each chapter.


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