  • 學位論文


Customer Engagement on Social Media Advertising: Antecedents and Consequences

指導教授 : 蔡坤宏 江義平


隨著社群網站服務的快速成長與發展,企業開始大幅增加投入於社群媒體行銷預算的比重,致使社群媒體廣告成為網路行銷的重要關注議題。然而,過去與社群媒體廣告相關的學術研究較偏重於傳統網路廣告效果(如點擊效果、轉換率)之研究,對於網路廣告的社群參與行為較少探討。因此,本研究目的在建構出消費者對於社群媒體廣告參與行為的模式,試圖探究消費者之社群媒體參與成因對於社群媒體廣告所產生的參與行為以及後續可能產生之社群成員關係、產品關係和品牌關係等效果間之關聯性。   本研究將透過網路調查方式,與創市際市場研究顧問公司合作,並且採用因素分析以及部分最小平方估計法等統計方式,以確認本研究所提出之各項因素構面、驗證各項構面之間的關係與所提出之各項假說,最後,根據本研究所發展出之社群媒體廣告參與行為衡量模型,提出相關結論與建議以作為後續學術與實務對於社群媒體廣告相關研究之參考。


With the rapid growth and development of social network services, companies largely increased their advertising budget on social media advertising. Social media advertising has attracted lots of attentions for marketers and researchers. However, very few past researches focused on social media advertising and only concentrated on measuring clicking effects. This study established a model to analyze customers’ engagement in social media advertising, and to explore the relationship among the antecedents of social media advertising engagement, and the engagement behaviours in social media advertising, and the consequences of social media advertising.   This study collected valid Internet users’ sample used a online survey. Partial least squares regression was used to analyze the relationship among the antecedents and consequences of user engagement in social media advertising. Finally, based on the finding, discussions and conclusions will be provided to further researches and practices.


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