  • 學位論文

社交電視之媒體多工行為對 跨媒體商品置入廣告效果影響之研究

The Influence of Social TV Multitasking Behavior on the Cross-Media Product Placement Advertising Effect

指導教授 : 林慧斐 蔡欣怡


現今有越來越多年輕族群喜愛運用社群媒體從事社交行為,其中多螢環境正是使用者認為適合社交的環境。這種「第二螢幕活動」是使用者透過科技媒介互動,以獲得與他人在一起的感覺,因為社交電視創造線上社群,透過社群媒體中的即時訊息,使用者可與他人互動。社交電視以替代性的虛擬互動取代真實的面對面互動時,使用者能夠感覺和他人在一起。 本研究將觀看電視同時使用第二裝置進行社交性行為視為社交電視的定義,這種社交性的使用使單獨處在實體空間中的使用者也能夠滿足群聚觀賞收視行為。本研究欲探究在社交電視的多螢社交情境中的廣告效果,欲了解在注意力分散的情況下,行銷人員如何增加品牌的置入廣告效果,因此本研究中選用美國戲劇影集作為本研究討論的文本,以探討閱聽人使用社交電視的行為對廣告效果的影響。本研究執行2(電視觀看模式:社交電視vs. 單獨觀賞)x2(第二螢廣告形式:影片vs. 圖片)二因子組間實驗設計,探討兩個自變項對廣告效果之影響。 研究結果顯示:(1)相較於雙人觀看情境,單人觀看情境會產生較佳的廣告效果;(2)在雙人觀看情境下,影片廣告會產生較佳的廣告效果; (3)在單人觀看情境下,圖片廣告會產生較佳的廣告效果;(4)沉浸度會完全中介觀看模式與廣告效果;而(5)滿足感僅部分中介觀看模式與廣告效果。 關鍵字:社交電視、多螢行為、媒體多工、跨媒體廣告、置入性行銷


Nowadays, more and more young generation users adopt social media as part of their social life. Specifically, multi-screen environment is what users consider to be the environment for online social activities. The “second-screen activity” means users interact with each other through media technology to attain the feeling to be with someone. Social TV is considered to be one of the second-screen activities and the online community built by social TV. Instead of physical face-to-face interactions, social TV provides virtual interactions and users attain the feeling of being present with people on the online community. An experiment with a 2 (TV viewing mode: pair vs. solo) x 2 (Advertisement on the second screen: video vs. picture) two factors between-subject design was conducted to see if the interactions along with social TV could affect ad-effectiveness (brand recall, brand attitude, ad attitude and purchase intention). The results showed (1) compared to the pair-viewing mode, solo-viewing mode lead to the better ad-effectiveness; (2) under pair-viewing condition, video advertisement on the second screen lead to the better ad-effectiveness ; (3) under solo-viewing condition, picture advertisement on the second screen lead to the better ad-effectiveness; (4) flow mediates the viewing mode and ad-effectiveness; however, (5) gratification only partly mediates the viewing mode and ad-effectiveness. Keywords: Social TV, Multi-screen behavior, Multitasking, Cross-media advertising, Product placement


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參 考 文 獻
1. 中文文獻
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資策會FIND(2018)。3年成長3倍!跨螢行為成王道 逾74%民眾邊看
