  • 學位論文


A Study of Urban Sustainable Transportation Planning Strategies in the Quality of Life under Growth Management Principles─ A Case of Banqiao Station in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 衛萬明


21 世紀的現今,許多都市的發展已逐漸脫離原本都市計畫之規範,同時也產生了都市失序的蔓延與不斷的土地開發,並造成許多城市面臨嚴重空氣汙染、環境品質堪憂、交通擁擠與都市密度太高等種種問題,此些跡象皆顯示該些問題已對人類的生活品質(Quality of Life, QoL)產生了負面的影響。有關於成長管理(growth management)其最初係被應用於抑止美國地區的都市蔓延困境,然現今則可以透過成長管理之多目標的管理方式,來追求都市發展與生活品質的兼顧。2010 年,歐盟在里斯本戰略(Lisbon Strategy)計畫失敗以後,提出了新的歐盟2020 策略(European Union 2020 strategy),其中提及三個重要之成長面向,分別為:(1)聰明成長(Smart growth)、(2)永續成長(Sustainable growth)、以及(3)包容成長(Inclusive growth)等三個重要概念,其並說明以「成長」的概念代替「發展」的思維將更能引導都市發展朝向更好都市生活品質之追求與實現。 本研究乃為考量成長管理原則下都市永續運輸規劃策略對於生活品質之探討。本研究首先將針對國內外相關文獻進行回顧與分析,並整理成長管理原則下符合提升生活品質的永續運輸指標,再採用模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)。以專家問卷方式篩選出對我國而言較為重要的永續運輸指標。同時,為使本研究能實際應用於都市規劃決策中變化的動態環境考量,本研究將進一步應用動態網路程序法(Dynamic Network Process, DNP)結合灰預測模型(Gray Forecasting Model, GFM),以觀察各指標於時間推進上之變化趨勢,探討未來提升生活品質之重點指標,以擬定符合時間相依性之可提升生活品質的永續運輸規劃策略。本研究結果將可以做為未來規劃單位於進行提升都市生活品質探討中,針對交通運輸策略發展考量之參考依據。


Many of urban developments break away from their originally planned rules in 21st century; meanwhile, the urban sprawl and the continued land develop make the serious air pollution in a lot of cities, not to mention the traffic congestion and density of population. These environmental problems are now bringing out the negative influence regarding human’s life quality. The growth management was used to restrain American’s urban sprawl initially. But now can through the growth management’s multi-objective to pursue both of urban development and quality of life. When EU Lisbon Strategy failed in 2010. EU submitted a new European Union 2020 Strategy. The strategy mentioned three important part: (1) Smart Growth, (2) Sustainable Growth and (3) Inclusive Growth. And to explain how replacing the “Develop” thoughts by the concept of “Growth” can guide cities to a better life. In this study will investigate the quality of life by urban sustainable transport strategy under the growth management. First to study relate article for literature review about the urban sustainable transport strategy index under growth management to promote life quality. Second use by Fuzzy Delphi Technique, with expert questionnaire to flit out the sustainable transport index which are important for our country. At the same time, this study also applies Dynamic Network Process and Gray Forecasting Model to assist planning in dynamic environment. Expect observed all index trends at different times, investigate the index to promote quality of life. Be in sure to conform the sustainable transport strategy with life quality. To be a basis for planning department when construct transport to promote the quality of life on urban area.


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