  • 學位論文


Story of a Battered Man

指導教授 : 王雅各


臺灣家庭暴力相關學術論述包含男性的研究有二十五篇,僅有三篇為男性被害者之研究。然而根據內政部統計,親密關係暴力男性被害者人數平均約有10%的比例,且持續成長中。 男性性別角色與男性被害議題之間,造成的衝突與不一致的社會觀點,突顯出男性身為父權體制的「既得利益者」,在享受優勢時,也因男性氣概的要求而深受束縛。一個平等的性別研究應該同時包含「婦女研究」與「男性研究」。父權體制使身在其中的女性和男性都深深受害,思考一些特定境遇男性的需求,對於改變父權意識形態是有幫助的。 研究者假設「被老婆女朋友打的男人」,是因為不符合父權意識形態下應具備的「男性氣概」標準,而被漠視消音的例子之一。那麼親密關係暴力就不單只是「加害-被害」的議題,而應深究父權體制下對於兩性的角色定位與壓迫關係。 透過一位在親密關係中,遭受肢體暴力之異性戀男性被害者的生命故事,從其家庭、求學、兵役經驗、工作經驗與期待、親密關係、人際關係、疾病史等面向,描繪其「男性氣概」,一窺「男性被害」的樣貌。本研究之理論框架為女性主義、家庭系統理論與詮釋學觀點。使用質性的個案研究法,在八次深度訪談之後,從一、原生家庭,二、親密關係,三、軍校經驗,四、工作經驗等四個部分介紹一位在親密關係受暴男性的生命故事。 個案在婆媳衝突、妯娌衝突、夫妻衝突與婚姻暴力的家庭中成長,發展出特定的人格特質、依附風格、壓力因應方式等,使其在不同生命階段與各種人際關係間,發展出適應不良的情境。研究中並且從家庭系統動力及家庭壓力調適理論看到憂鬱症在其家庭中代表的意義。 不平等的權力流動是一種壓迫關係。在親密關係暴力議題中,我們雖然看到「男加害-女被害」或「男性壓迫女性」的現況,也不能忽略的背後黑手-父權社會是如何透過社會化機制來擺放兩性的角色。男性確實可能成為親密關係暴力被害者,然而這只能說明在父權社會下,男性對女性的壓迫關係,有權力反轉的可能性,並無與男性在父權社會中作為優勢團體的一員的事實相牴觸。 親密關係暴力議題不只能探討如被害者或加害者的人格特質、家庭成因、動力關係等,也該加以了解議題背後的父權體制與它的核心價值是怎麼影響制度乃至於個體的社會化歷程,才能看到父權霸權體制下壓迫關係在親密關係中的展現。


The last two decades have seen growing importance placed on research in intimate partner violence. The majority of researches in this area has focused on abused women. The related works reported in the literature can be classified into four categories including perspectives of Activism, Feminism, sociology and social work practicum ( Chu, J. J. & Wu, L. C., 2005 ) . Studies of IPV offenders have gathered great importance as Batterer Intervention Programs was established in Taiwan in 2001. More recently, interest in offenders’ treatments has shifted to reflect current developments in the context of interpretive interactionism which emphasize their subjective experiences. Despite the announced importance of Patriarchy-violence linkage, there has thus far been relatively little research into the area. However, could a Man, as a member of privileged group in Patriarchal society, be a victim of IPV? The central purpose of this study is to address this area of concern by shedding light on the nature of the problem. My research is designed as a case study to provide insight into this issue. The participant in this study is a 32-year-old, heterosexual, non-married Taiwanese man who has been battered by his ex-girlfriend for three times. The method to carry out this study was using face-to-face interview. The data collection were conducted eight times and were tape recorded for later coding and analysis. The study uses systems theory, Double ABCX model as frames to analyze the family dynamic in the end. The client’s personality, attachment styles, masculinities, stress-coping strategies have also been described. My research has suggested, albeit tentatively, a potentially important influences between the type of masculinity and intimate partner abuse of men.




