  • 學位論文


Using the Brand Equity Theory to Explore the Destination Brand Loyalty of Tao Mi District and Ding Xi District

指導教授 : 顏宏旭


近年來,政府部門為改善農村社區沒落進行了許多應對政策,且已有部分成就。但在快速且大量投入發展的背景下,出現社區特性大量複製的負面效應,也連帶產生社區特性產生負面影響。而近年,品牌概念逐漸受到重視,且能協助遊客快速累積意象與差異性,因此本次研究希望將品牌概念導入社區,並以現有衡量構面作為基礎,了解不同於商業領域之旅遊目的地是否適用。因此設定下列幾項目的:一、驗證商業品牌評估量表是否適用於社區型旅遊目的地。二、了解品牌評估量表中,各構面對於社區在品牌塑造過程中之相互關係。 因此本研究經文獻回顧並彙整分析相關品牌權益評估構面後,以旅遊目的地品牌知名度、旅遊目的地品牌體驗、旅遊目的地品牌差異性、旅遊目的地品牌感受、旅遊目的地品牌價值、旅遊目的地品牌忠誠度六項構面作為研究主要變數,並透過結構方程模式了解構面間之關聯性。 在問卷調查部分,以雲林縣虎尾鎮頂溪社區與南投縣桃米社區為主要研究目標,各得有效問卷200份,兩處共計回收有效問卷400份。並將樣本透過結構方程模式驗證模式配適度以確立整體模式建構是否完善,並進一步利用路徑分析透討六項構面之相互影響關係;其分析結果顯示: 一、樣本與模式配適度良好 品牌權益之六項構面及變項內容在收斂效度及區別效度皆具良好效果,且結構模式經變項修正與Bollen-stine修正後均達配適標準。( RMSEA=0.03,GFI=0.94,AGFI=0.93,SRER=0.1,TLI=0.99,IFI=0.99,CFI=0.99) 且將修正後之綜合(頂溪+桃米)結構方程模式再次套用各目的測試其配飾度,同樣獲得良好之構面關係與結果呈現。 二、構面關聯性高效果呈現 六項構面中目的地旅遊知名度對目的地品牌忠誠度之效果值須透過其他五項構面建立間接效果後,才能對忠誠度產生.487的中高效果外,其餘構面之相互效果皆達0.5以上之高效果準。 三、判斷品牌權益在社區中之主要路徑 在路徑分析圖中呈現,目的地品牌體驗對目的地品牌個性、目的地品牌個性對目的地品牌經驗兩項關係皆達0.88,顯示出在此一路徑之效果強度大於其他過程,除與文獻相符合外,更可清楚說明未來社區型旅遊目的地發展重心。 四、兩目的地社區進行相關比較 在構面修正的過程中,研究者透過刪除之問項(即遊客認為該題項與該構面關係較弱)進行分析,從中說明兩個不同主題與型態之社區,可能在發展過程中衍生不同需要強化之處。如桃米社區需強化社區對外所『象徵』之意象。而頂溪社區則需思考壁畫未來發展與維護,甚至強化。 因此,本研究希望透過品牌評估量表驗證,證實該量表真正能提供社區型旅遊目的地品牌之評估依據,並期望真正將學術帶進業界,讓更多人了解社區型旅遊目的地品牌之重要性。


The government has applied various strategies to improve the fading rural areas some of which are improved obviously. However, it is showed the similar duplicates learned from the target samples bring much negative effects on districts. Nowadays, the concept of brands is highly valued, which distinctly accumulates images and differences from different rural areas. This study aims to emphasize the ideas of brands to the society with correct valued aspects, One, the identity of com- mercial scales adopted to the traveling purposes in districts. Second, the relationship interact different perspectives with building districts. This study, collecting literature review and valuing the relating perspectives of brands, adopts six elements as variables to evaluate the tour spots, such as brand awareness, brand experiences, brand differences, brand involvement, brand values, and brand loyalties. It is also analyzed by structural equation model to realize the relationship between different perspectives. The questionnaires, collected 400 effective copies, are examined the comparative samples, Ding Xi District and Tao MI District, with structural equation model to guarantee the quality. The further data displays the multi-influences with the six perspectives as above. First, the six perspectives highly match convergent validity and distinctive validity. The results reach the standers of fit models because of the adjusted variables and Bollen-stine. (RMSEA=0.03, GFI=0.94, AGFI=0.93, SRER=0.1, TLI=0.99, IFI=0.99, CFI=0.99) Second, he brand awareness, indirectly depending on the other five perspectives to reach the positive effects on brand loyalty (p=.487), the rest shows the positive effective with inner examination (p>.05). Third, the analysis of pathway explains the most positive relation between destination of brand experiences to brand personality and brand personality to brand experience (p=.88), which strengthen their importance. The results not only accords with the literature review but also construct the explicable key points in future traveling target in districts.


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