  • 學位論文


The Effect of Injection Parameters on Surface Contour Accuracy of An Optical Lens

指導教授 : 林瑞璋


現階段蓬勃發展的塑膠光電產業中,應用光學塑膠材料佔了相當大的比率,其應用範圍相當廣泛,例如投影機、數位相機、照相手機等,而產品的設計越來越小,產品推出的時間越來越短,使得光學鏡片的設計與表面輪廓精度良率也更為嚴格。 本研究主要探討塑膠光學鏡片射出成形中參數條件對於表面輪廓精度之影響:(1)其實驗選用材料為Zeon生產之Zeonex E48R,(2)量測方法為使用表面輪廓儀量測塑膠光學鏡片之表面輪廓精度,(3)以田口實驗方式作為最佳化參數之實驗架構,理想目標為望小特性,並運用電腦輔助分析軟體Moldex 3D協助了解模具內變化。 田口實驗結果顯示,模具溫度為最具影響的控制因子。而最佳化製程參數也讓鏡片的表面輪廓精度獲得改善(例:R2面Y軸表面輪廓精度從0.40μm改善致0.25μm)。再將最佳化後的確認實驗值與預測值進行確認實驗,實際誤差值皆小於容許誤差值(例: R2面Y軸的實際誤差值0.94小於容許誤差值1.06),所以確定實驗為可信的。之後使用Moldex 3D進一步解析原因,發現模具溫度較低時,澆口固化時間短造成保壓壓力無法傳遞,導致表面輪廓精度不佳。


This stage Fragment plastic Optoelectronics industry. Applied Optics plastic materials account for a large ratio. Their broad range of applications. Example projectors, digital cameras and camera phone. While product design smaller, product launch time getting shorter so that surface of the optical lens design and surface contour accuracy yields are also more stringent. This study investigated the injection molding of plastic optical lens surface of contouring accuracy parameter conditions for the impact:(1) The experimental selection of materials for the production of Zeon Zeonex E48R.(2) measurement method using a surface profilometer measurement of plastic optical lens surface accuracy.(3)Taguchi method to optimized parameters of the experiment as a framework, the ideal target for the smaller-the-best, and the use of computer-aided analysis software Moldex 3D to help understand changes in the mold. Taguchi experimental results show that the mold temperature is the most influential control factor. The optimum process parameters so that the lens surface contour accuracy improved (Example: R2 plane Y-axis surface contour accuracy improvement caused from 0.40μm 0.25μm). Then after optimization experiments value and predicted values for confirmation experiment, the actual error are less than the allowable error value (Example: R2 plane Y-axis of the actual error value 0.94< tolerance value 1.06), so be sure to experiment credible. After further analysis using Moldex3d reasons, found the mold temperature is low, causing the gate a short curing time packing pressure can not be delivered, resulting in surface contour accuracy is poor.


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