  • 學位論文


The Study on the Place-Image of Travel Destination in Local Artist’s Works

指導教授 : 林俊男
共同指導教授 : 黃士哲(Shih-Che Huang)


在現代消費主義盛行之下,許多市鄉鎮被商業包裝成為遊客的觀光勝地,但這些地方不單一提供給遊客使用,更是當地居民所共同擁有的資源。決策者大都忽略當地居民所處的生活環境,藉由炒作和渲染使小地方成為熱門景點,促進商機、人潮,讓地方與其他地方變得略顯一致擾亂了每個地方的本質、擾亂了當地居民的生活品質。而當地居民眼中的生活環境應該是什麼樣子?在其研究範域,九份、金瓜石、水湳洞三個跨領域的地區在1964年由於某些因緣際會,藝術家漸漸在此聚集、創作與落根,儼然成了當地居民的角色。 於是,本研究以符合水金九地區之在地藝術家創作書籍且市面上購買得到的書籍,來進行研究與解析水金九地區之地方意象。其目的則以在地藝術家之角色視角觀看創作中的地方意象,而呈現的地方意象是否能夠連結到地方感及場所精神之運用,並創作文本與實地現況兩兩對比,找尋創作文本中的地點,觀看水金九地區的現況變化,以及從網路部落格進行搜索,找尋其遊客心中的水金九樣貌。本研究擬訂的研究目的有下列兩點: (一)以創作文本進行地方意象分析,找尋水金九地區地方感與場所精神,並加以描繪水金九地區有哪些空間元素與繪畫的時間性。 (二)以創作文本、實地現況及網路部落格三者去做對比與詮釋,探討水金九地區的地方意象在現況改變及遊客心中的水金九樣貌。


Under modern consumerism prevalent in many cities and towns is a commercial package become a tourist tourist attraction, but these places are not the sole provider for tourists, but locals are common resources. Most policy-makers to ignore the living environment of local residents which, by the hype and rendering of the small place become popular attractions, promote business opportunities, the crowd, so that a consistent place to become slightly disturb the essence of each place elsewhere, disrupting the local the quality of life of residents. And in the eyes of local residents living environment should look like? In this study, it focus on, Jiufen, Jinguashi, Shuinandong three cross-cutting areas in 1964 due to some chance encounter, the artist gradually gathered in this, creation and fall root, seems to be the role of local residents. Thus, This study is to meet the artists books and the books that are available on the market in Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen areas, research, study and analyze place-imagein Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen areas. Its purpose is to observe from artists perspective to see how they create their products by the use of place-image, and how place-image presented is or is not able to link to the use of sense of place, spirit of place, through these we can compare the created text and the current situation, and search the creative text’s location to identity the Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen areas changes, and search from internet blogs, to find out what tourists thinks of how Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen areas should appear in their mind. The purpose of this study can be list by the following points: (A) Through created text to analyze local place-image, to find out the connection of Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen’s areas sense and the spirit of place, Then describe how many part are influence with the element of space, paints, and time in Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen’s area. (B) Through created text, field status and internet blogs to do the comparison and interpretation, To discuss the place image in the current changes and how the tourists thought in their minds in the area of Shuinandong-Jinguashi-Jiufen.


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