  • 學位論文


The efficacy of cleanup methods in reducing oil contamination

指導教授 : 李廣齊


由於車輛長期於短程行駛和長期怠速運轉或低速下長距離行駛的駕駛狀況下,引擎的溫度較一般正常行駛低或燃燒不完全,其中每日行駛里程低於32公里都歸於短程行駛,尤以市區車況為主,因引擎低於正常溫度工作,加上進入汽缸的燃油為較高燃油混合比,同時因凝結的水氣無法順利蒸發而混合在引擎機油內部,形成機油乳化現象。當引擎正常的工作溫度超過120℃ 時,則過熱機油容易與空氣中的氧氣結合,產生氧化作用而變質,產生有積碳的貯積物而無法正常的潤滑作用,一般變為黑色油泥狀。此外車輛長時期怠速運轉和經常高負荷行駛下,因高燃油混合比使得引擎燃燒不完全,導致汽油燃燒後副產 品增加而形成油泥,而引擎工作溫度相對升高,加速機油氧化和積碳,以致使引擎機油焦化變質。因此引擎清洗後降底機油提前惡化與保持引擎內部管線的通暢,進而減緩引擎內油泥的生成,確保延長引擎內部機件壽命。 本論文針對引擎油污清洗前後的性能成效實驗分析研究,探討引擎油污清洗後,引擎燃燒效率及性能影響的情況。


汽車引擎 油泥


The oil contamination occurs when the vehicle travels low distance or travels at low speed. When the engine temperature is below the normal temperature, the condensed steam cannot vaporize completely, and then the emulsification of the engine oil will be occurred. When the engine temperature is above 120℃, the engine oil superheated will combine with the oxygen, and then sludge mixed with the coke (carbon deposition) will be produced to reduce the efficiency of lubrication. The efficacy of cleanup methods in reducing oil contamination at spill sites is typically determined by measuring concentration of solvent and hazardous metals in used oil and sludge samples. Although, these values may provide a direct concentration of contaminants, they may not be indicative of what is transferred to groundwater. This paper investigates the performance of automobile engine before/after reducing oil contamination by experiments to verify the efficacy of cleanup methods in reducing oil contamination.


Automobile engine oil contamination


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