  • 學位論文


Cost and benefit Analysis of Community-based Solar Power System

指導教授 : 蔡春進


本研究蒐集中央氣象局2004~2008年期間全天空日射量與溫度等氣候資料,並據以探討台北、台中、高雄、台東、花蓮五個地區,已建置太陽能發電系統的住宅或機構,計算系統的模擬發電量、成本效益及回收時程等數據。 依據氣候資料統計結果,2008年之平均全天空日射量,台東地區高達4.26KW/㎡-day,平均1KW日發電量為3.06KWH;台中市、高雄市全年度日射量幾乎達到3kW/㎡-day的水準,平均1KW日發電量為2.88~2.92KWH,顯示此三地區全年均具發電潛能。台北年平均日射量較弱, 1KW日平均發電量為2.21KWH;但是夏季日射量可達4 kW/㎡-day,花蓮、台東更達到5~6 KW/㎡-day,1KW日發電量可增至3.28~4.39 KWH的水準,說明台北、花蓮夏季相對發電潛力強,有利舒緩季節性尖峰用電。在1KWH之發電成本計算結果,以台東最低為11.14元,台北最高達15.42元。換算設置成本回收時程,扣除政府補助,台東須43年,台北市則須59.54年方可回收。 比較2004~2008年期間各地區系統的模擬發電量、成本效益及回收時程等結果均與2008年相似,台東地區之平均全天空日射量達4.27KW/㎡-day,1KW平均日發電量略增為3.07KWH;其他地區則微幅減少,四個地區1KW平均日發電量介於2.12~2.84 KWH間。比較1KWH的發電成本發現,以台東最低為11.14元,台北最高達15.82元。回收時程台東為43年,台北市為61年。 本研究發現1997~2008年的平均日射量及溫度有升高趨勢。最近五年各地氣溫增加1.01~1.03倍;在日射量變化方面,台東增加1.04倍、台北、高雄、花蓮增加1.14~1.18倍,台中則增加了1.26倍之多,各地區1KW平均日發電量也與日射量同步增加。除了台東地區有最高之發電量外,台中市的系統發電量提升最多。


This research collected the daytime weather data of Central Weather Bureau from year 2004 to 2008. The data were used to investigate the energy efficiency and the payback period from the buildings or institutes equipped with solar power generation systems at five areas including Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, Taidong and Hualien in Taiwan. According to the historical weather data, average of sunlight is 4.26KW/㎡-day. The daily power output per 1 KW of the solar power system is 3.06KWH. The average amount of sunlight reaches 3KW/㎡-day in Taichung and Kaohsiung. The daily power output per 1KW is around 2.88 to 2.92KWH. It shows that these three areas have the potential to develop solar power generation systems. The average amount of sunlight in Taipei is less than in other areas since its daily average power output is only 2.21KWH; but it can reach 4 kW/㎡-day during summer season. Hualien and Taidong can reach 5~6 KW/㎡-day during the same summer season with the average daily power output of 3.28~4.39 KWH. That is, both Taipei and Hualien can have higher solar energy efficiency in summer which can ease the shortage of electric power during high peak season. Compared with simulated data from year 2004 to 2008, the solar power generation, efficiency and payback period are similar to the data in year 2008. In Taidong area, the average daily sunlight is around 4.27KW/㎡-day and daily power output per kw is around 3.07 KWH. The power output per kw at another four areas is between 2.12 to 2.84 KWH. Comparison of the cost of 1 KWH power output shows that Taidong has the lowest price at NT$11.14 and Taipei has the highest price at NT$15.82. Therefore, the payback period will be 43 years for Taidong and 61 years for Taipei. It was found that solar radiation and temperature increased consistently from 1997 to 2008. Temperature is 1.01 to 1.03 times higher at every area in the last five years. Solar radiation increased 1.04 times in Taidong, increased 1.14 to 1.18 times in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Hualien, and 1.26 times in Taichung. The average daily power output per kilowatt increased with increasing solar radiation as well. Taidong was found to have the highest solar power generation while Taichung had the highest increasing rate.


solar power systems


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[1] BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007
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