  • 學位論文


The Study on the Strategies of Integrating GeoGebra into the Education of High School Mathematics

指導教授 : 李榮耀


摘要 資訊融入是現代教育發展的趨勢,有許多的研究結果指出將動態幾何系統融入中學的數學教育,可以有效的協助提升學生的學習成效,在教學實務上有很多的優勢,但是實際上在課程中融入技術的過程卻是緩慢而複雜。 “ GeoGebra”是一項專門針對中學數學教育所設計的開放性教學軟體,在幾何、代數、微積分及統計等數學課程,提供使用者方便易用、簡單易學的軟體環境,不僅協助教師在教學過程更順利的進行,而且透過圖像輔助學生更輕鬆的學習數學相關課程。由於它是開放性的軟體,讓世界各地的學生、教師及對於動態幾何系統有興趣的人員,可以在教室、家裡、在任何環境中自由的使用,而不用擔心其它額外的負擔,而且有一個論壇空間,透過它可以和全世界的人們共同討論疑難問題,因此值得大力的推廣。 本研究是一項長期的教學實驗,探討教師如何將動態幾何系統融入學校正規課程的過程;並探討在GeoGebra融入課程的學習環境中,學生的學習態度、短期與長期的學習成效和傳統教學方法的差異性。


ABSTRACT The integration of technology has become the trend of modern education development. Many studies indicate that the integration of dynamic geometry system into high school math curriculum can highly enhance students’ learning efficiency. Though it does offer a lot of advantages in teaching, the process of technology integration into curriculum is slow and complicated in practice . “GeoGebra” is an open teaching software designed for high school math education. It provides user-friendly, easy-learning software environment in math curriculum, such as geometry, algebra, calculus and statistics. That is, it not only helps teachers to carry out their teaching smoothly, but also helps students to learn math related curriculum easily through graphical aids. Because it is an open software, it allows the students, teachers and those who are interested in DGS worldwide to use it in classrooms, at home or anywhere without worrying about any burden. Besides, a forum is provided for users to discuss any problems ith people around the world. Therefore, it’s highly recommended. The study is a long-term teaching experiment. It focuses on how a teacher integrates DGS into the formal curriculum at school, and what is the difference between GeoGebra integration teaching approach and traditional approach in students’ learning attitudes, and their short-term, long-term learning efficiency.


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