  • 學位論文


A Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impact from Abandoned Mines

指導教授 : 蔡龍珆


臺灣地區開採礦產資源的歷史從日據時代至今已有百年,種類有煤礦、天然氣、石油、金銅礦及大理石礦等。由於礦產資源乃為經濟發展之基礎,早期臺灣政府鼓勵礦產資源開採,然而環境保育知識不足,業主不經意造成了環境破壞。隨著臺灣經濟型態的轉型、環保意識之重視,部分不符合經濟效益以及在考慮環境保護下關閉或開採完畢之礦場,也隱藏著災害危機或環境污染問題;加上臺灣地區地狹人稠,土地資源的善用與保護顯得格外重要,許多早期廢棄之礦場並未妥善規劃,造成了土地佔用、景觀破壞或是環境污染及災害,因此有必要對廢棄礦場進行調查評估。 本研究選擇三個不同礦種之廢棄礦場作為研究區域,分別為三峽利豐煤礦場、花蓮佐倉大理石礦場以及金瓜石-本山金銅礦場。研究內容包含現地調查可能之潛在災害,選擇對廢棄礦場之危險因子做評估,並將評估因子分級評分,以了解廢棄礦場之現況,並採集地表水做化學分析,瞭解地表水污染潛勢。研究結果顯示不同種類的廢棄礦場呈現不同的環境問題,廢棄後未規劃之礦場會造成土地佔用情形,本山礦區之酸礦排水效應有減緩之趨勢;針對礦場特性進行環境影響評估,始能正確發現問題並評估解決之道。


Many kinds of mineral resources had been developed in Taiwan, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, marble, gold, copper and so forth. Since the development of mineral resources is the foundation of industry, local government and mine owners did not pay enough attention unintentionally in the environmental impact of mining activities in the past. In recent years, as the conscious of environmental protection had risen and developed, the securities and environmental problems from abandoned mines were noticed and concerned. Furthermore, land use is very important to today’s Taiwan, ill-managed abandoned mines will lead to the destroy of landscape or land appropriation. Three abandoned mines were chosen in this study, including Sanshia Lifeng coal mine, Hualien Tsotsang marble mine and Chinkuashih Benshen gold-copper mine. Environmental impacts were assessed in each mine, by selecting environmental factor and classifying the score of each factor so as to understand the status of each abandoned mine. The results indicate that different kinds of abandoned mines possess different environmental problems; whereas Lifeng coal mine has surface subsidence problem; the Chiufen Creek is still affected seriously by acid mine drainage from Benshen gold mine, especially in the golden waterfall area; Tsotsang marble mine exhibits slope instability and landslide risk problems. Different environment issues which were caused by different types of abandoned mines needs to be examined and mitigated in a different way.


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