  • 學位論文


Implementation research and improvement strategy analysis of microstructure bottom corner in electrochemical machining

指導教授 : 顏炳華


隨著電子產品的需求度增加,使得各種薄型化微小零組件的需求也隨之大幅提升。以手機鏡頭模組而言,其光學鏡頭承座由於厚度上的差異化,再加上採用高強硬不鏽鋼,無法全部採用沖壓方式進行加工,而現有的製程是採用化學蝕刻減薄後,再結合沖壓下料方式進行加工,其加工時間長(約10~20µm/h),因此,若將蝕刻改以電化學加工的方式,將可大大提升生產量。 本研究係利用微電化學的方式,對SUS304不鏽鋼薄板進行加工,針對加工後於工件底部所形成之R角半徑進行探討,期盼找出能使R角半徑為最小值之加工參數。在前置實驗中發現到電解液(NaNO3)的濃度必須在15wt%以上才有加工效果。以及使用二次性加工的方式進行加工時,會有較小的R角半徑,因為當加工深度越深時,R角半徑則會越小。 由實驗結果得知,當加工電壓與脈衝時間增加時,加工深度會隨之增加,R角半徑則會越小。當電壓為11V、脈衝為70µs,液壓為2kg/cm2以及電解液濃度為20wt%時,可加工出最小的R角半徑0.094mm。


The demand for electronic products has been rapidly increasing. The general trend of size reduction and thinning increases the demand for enhanced precision of manufactured products not only in terms of dimension and shape, but also in the roughness quality of the machined surface. To avoid complex assembly and reduce structural rigidity due to miniaturized components, integrally molded parts have been adopted to improve the precision. The stainless steel is often adopted as a miniaturized structural part materials in order to keep strength and anti-wear. But the production speed about 10~20 μm/h is limited by using etching method. Present process mostly adopted chemical etching connected with stamping to fabricate but etching time is too long and machining shape is limited in two dimension. This study presents two kinds of micro electrochemical machining processes to shorten the machining time and reduce the bottom corner radius of machined cavity. The high-precision electrode and fixtures is designed to fit the width specifications. The needed pattern and strip thickness of 20μm are removed by electrochemical machining. According to experimental results, the depth will increase with voltage and pulse-on time increasing, the bottom corner is getting smaller. The secondary processing method is better. The minimum radius of 0.094 mm is obtained as voltage of 11 V, pulse-on time of 70μs, pulse ratio of 50:50, electrode gap of 50μm, electrolyte pressure of 2 kg/cm2 and electrolyte concentration of 20 wt%.


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