  • 學位論文

支援「文字聊書」活動之系統設計與實作 ──透過「文字聊書」建立閱讀社群

Designing Text-Based Social Discussion System to Support Reading Community

指導教授 : 陳德懷


閱讀在教育議題一直都十分重要。閱讀是現今知識時代增強能力的不二法門,而討論是能促進閱讀的方法,現今通訊科技日新月異,網路跨時跨地的特性讓許多人可以透過網路進行線上閱讀討論,而過去許多線上閱讀討論的研究,大多以討論主題、策略或模式作為研究主軸,較少藉由學生的社交關係作為引導機制,鼓勵學生對書本產生興趣。因此本研究建立了一個結合社交關係的線上閱讀討論平台─「聊書平台」,以「人、書、人群、書群」的概念作為架構,設計線上閱讀討論平台。,透過聊書人群讓學生找到志同道合的同學,並透過聊書書群讓學生延伸閱讀視野。 本研究分成兩個階段:導入期與正式期。在第二階段重新設計、修正,以符合學校、老師與學生的需求。研究對象是桃園縣某國民小學三年級之學生,共有3個班級,85名學生與3位帶班老師。研究發現,本系統的確幫助學生閱讀更多的書籍,提高學生的閱讀情意與閱讀動機,學生也樂於與跨班討論。根據系統使用行為紀錄,影響學生閱讀最大的因素是同儕。從擴展之科技接受模式中可以了解,學生對於線上聊書的使用意圖、感知有用性、感之易用性皆呈現正面態度。


閱讀 討論 社群


In a traditional reading course, a teacher usually acts as a reading leader who actively introduces students how to read, and even ask them to read the qualified books which are selected by adults. This kind of reading instruction is teacher-centered, in which students would lost an opportunity of discussion with their peers. To facilitate reading discussion, this study designed and developed a text-based social discussion system for supporting a reading community, in which students can post reading opinions and discuss about their favorite books with their peers. In addition, the system can provide adaptive information and suggestions based on student’s social and reading status, and thus encourage them to read various books. For example, the system will recommend the books that student’s friends have read, or invite a student to join a specific interest discussion group, while most of the group members are the friends of the student. On the other hand, this study proposed a experiential teaching plan for teachers to organize reading discussion groups (clubs) in the reading courses. The participants of this study are 85 third grade students and three teachers in three classes of an elementary school. The results indicated that the system can facilitate reading discussion, and encourage them to read more books. Additionally, this system makes students engage in cross-class discussion. Furthermore, this study makes a conclusion that peers play an important role to enhance student’s reading interest.


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李棋芳(2015)。線上文字聊書: 以書本為基礎建立閱讀社群〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512092746
