

「裝飾陶瓷」在臺灣是以外銷為主軸的產業,其主要生產區為苗栗縣與新竹縣等地,其中又以「苗栗縣」製作的最富盛名。裝飾陶瓷產業在苗栗縣至今已有四十年以上的歷史,全苗栗縣在繁榮時期至少十萬人生計仰靠這行業,成為臺灣最大裝飾陶瓷產地,也成為陶瓷娃娃的故鄉,為苗栗帶來裝飾陶瓷王國的美譽。 因此,本研究的研究目的有三項:一、探討苗栗裝飾陶瓷產業的「歷史脈絡」;二、說明苗栗裝飾陶瓷產業在各時期的「空間分佈」;三、分析苗栗裝飾陶瓷產業在各時期的「區位條件」。藉由以上三項研究目的,本研究採取之研究方法為:「文獻分析」、「地理資訊系統分析」、「深度訪談」,以此來探討苗栗裝飾陶瓷產業空間結構之研究。 在系統化裝飾陶瓷「歷史發展」時,以文獻資料為底,深度訪談為輔,統整並詳述其發展脈絡;在了解「空間分佈」時,以官方資料為底,地理資訊系統分析為輔,繪製主題地圖清楚呈現其空間變遷;在分析「區位條件」時,以區位理論為主,深度訪談為輔,詳細分析其區位條件。 透過本研究,在「歷史發展」得出三項研究發現,分別是日治時期的貢獻、替代品的出現、政策與經濟環境的影響。在「空間分佈」上亦有三項研究發現,一是本研究完整分期與定義苗栗裝飾陶瓷的階段、詳細的年代跟空間分佈,並繪製出變遷圖;二是得出公館鄉一直是苗栗裝飾陶瓷產業的核心區域;三是裝飾陶瓷產業核心區域的形成與客家族群亦有關聯性。在「區位分析」上,得知燃料區位的重要性,並且研究出韋伯的工業區位理論,對於苗栗裝飾陶瓷產業有決定性的影響。最後,本研究為未來想研究裝飾陶瓷產業的研究者提出四點研究建議。


Decorative ceramic is an export oriented industry at Taiwan. Its main producing areas are at Miaoli and Hsinchu County, of which, the productions of Miaoli County are most renowned. Decorative ceramic has over forty years of history at Miaoli County, and there were at least one hundred thousand people's living depended on it during its peak. It has not only become the largest decorative ceramic production area at Taiwan, but also the home of bisque doll. It has earned Miaoli County the reputation of ceramic kingdom Therefore, there are three objectives of this study. Firstly, discuss on the historical trend of decorative ceramic industry at Miaoli County. Secondly, elaborate the spatial distribution of decorative ceramic at Miaoli during each period of time. Thirdly, analyze the geographic conditions of decorative ceramic at Miaoli during each period of time. Base on the three objectives of this study, the following methods are conducted for this study: document analysis, geographic information system analysis, and in-depth interview. These methods are also used to study upon the spatial structure of decorative ceramic industry at Miaoli. During the process of systematizing decorative ceramic historical development, this study use literature as foundation and in-depth interview as supplement. Moreover, during the process of integrating its development trend and understanding its spatial distribution, this study use official data as foundation and geographic information system analysis as supplement to draw thematic maps to reveal its changes. Lastly, during the process of analyzing geographic conditions, this study mainly use location theory and supplement with in-depth interviews to thoroughly analyze its geographic conditions. Through this study, there are three things found from the historical developments: contributions during Japanese colonization, the emergences of substitutes, and the impacts of policies and economic environments. Furthermore, there are also three things discovered from the spatial distribution. First of all, this study has completely defined stages of decorative ceramic at Miaoli. Secondly, this study discovered that Kungkuan Township has always been the core area of decorative ceramic industry at Miaoli. Thirdly, the formation of the core area of decorative ceramic industry is associated with Hakka people. In addition, geographic analysis has discovered the importance of fuel location and found out that Weber's industrial location theory has a decisive impact on decorative ceramic industry at Miaoli. Finally, the study has also provided four study recommendations for future scholars that are also interested in studying decorative ceramic industry.




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