  • 學位論文


Research on Expansion Assessment Models of KTV Chain Store

指導教授 : 李小梅


企業運用連鎖經營來擴張市場範圍、建立經濟規模、降低固定成本、強化消費認知及提昇知名度,已成為公司求取生存與提高市場競爭力的重要手段。對於連鎖業而言,如何有效發展展店評估策略,就成了通路能否快速進入市場的重要關鍵因素。而KTV是我國開全球風氣之先所首創的休閒娛樂特色產業,在經過多年的優勝劣敗與淘汰後,現有的業者多是以全國、區域或地區性的連鎖經營模式,才得以生存,這也使得我國KTV的密度之高,堪稱世界之冠,同時也成為臺灣人最善經營的娛樂行業。 KTV曾被民眾票選推薦為臺灣意象之首,而展店評估又與連鎖業的發展息息相關,但經交叉分析目前對於「KTV」與「連鎖展店」的相關文獻後發現,前者所探討的主題皆集中在服務品質、消費動機、資訊科技、消防安全及經營管理等方面;而後者則多以便利商店、咖啡店、速食店、服飾店、量販店、百貨公司或物流業等一般零售、流通及餐飲業為主。因此,連鎖KTV展店評估模式之研究,可謂付之闕如。 本研究係藉由商店立地的評估因素為基礎,以個案研究法、專家訪談及次級資料等質性研究為方法,並以在KTV業界中具有絕對領導地位之產業龍頭為主要研究對象,來進一步探討KTV展店評估模式中的關鍵因素。 經研究後發現,KTV業者在展店評估上,大致可概略分為四個評估因素,分別是:「娛樂市場規模」、「展店法令限制」、「投資開發效益」及「展店條件」等。其中前兩項可歸類為受市場規模及政府法令所影響的外部評估因素;而後兩項則為個案公司本身對投資效益及物業條件所設定的內部評估標準。 本研究依據此四項展店評估因素,分別進行深入的研究與探討,並經歸納整理後,提出研究發現與貢獻,以及對於個案公司、後續研究與相關政府單位之建議,最後總結本研究之心得與結論。


店址選擇 連鎖KTV 展店評估


Chain business model has become an important mean for companies to improve market competitiveness and sustain survival. It allows businesses to expand market scopes and achieve, economies of scale. Expanded businesses can in terms, reduce fixed costs, strengthen brand image, and boost popularity. The key for a chain business to enter a new market depends on whether the company can effectively develop and evaluate strategic assessments. The KTV industry was pioneered in Taiwan and has since served as the exemplar of Taiwanese entertainment industry. After years of industry transformation, the industry now operates based on a regional chain business model : be it countrywide, regional, or local. As a result, Taiwan has the highest KTV density in the world. KTV was once voted as the best phenomenon to represent Taiwanese culture and the industry has been regarded as the brand image of Taiwanese leisure businesses for many years. Expansion assessment is tightly connected with the chain store in many aspects. By analyzing literatures on "KTV" and "Expansion Chain Stores", it was found that the former concentrates on themes such as service quality, consumption motivation, information technology, fire-fighting security, and management…etc, while the latter mainly focuses on retail, distributor, food and beverage industries (convenience stores, coffee stores, fast food stores, apparel shops, Hypermarkets, department stores or logistics industries). However, application to the KTV industry is frugal and researches related to expansion assessment is still lacking. This research is based on the location assessment study. It aims to study leaders of the KTV industry using qualitative research methods, case studies, expert interviews, and secondary data to pinpoint essential factors needed to be assess for franchise expansions. This research claims that assessment of expansion generally can be divided to four evaluation factors: "entertainment market size", "regulatory measures on expansion", "investment and development benefit", and finally "conditions of the expansion stores". The first two evaluation factors are often influenced by external considerations such as governmental laws and general market size/conditions. The latter two factors are more closely related to the company specific investment criteria such as property conditions and return on investments. Based on the above-mentioned four evaluation factors, this study conducted in depth case studies and discussions. After careful analysis and re-organization of information, this research provided recommendations for individual case companies as well as governmental rules. Finally, the research pointed out further research opportunities and summarized reflection in conclusion.


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