  • 學位論文

企業用心 員工傾心?企業內部社會責任和員工敬業度與組織承諾之關聯

Can Employer’s Sincerity Induce Employees’ Commitment? The Study of The Interrelationships among Internal Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Engagement and Organizational Commitment

指導教授 : 簡建忠


過去的研究顯示,一般民營企業較注重發展以社區和環境為基礎的企業社會責任活動,多數的研究常集中於外部企業社會責任層面,如與事業相關的問題或慈善事業,較少關注企業內部社會責任(internal CSR),即企業對員工責任的實踐。過去研究也發現企業社會責任對企業人力資源活動的影響是相當有益的,但並未調查企業內部社會責任實踐對員工的影響,且有待研究內部CSR實踐和員工敬業度之間的關係。管理者能否透過內部CSR的強化,以激發員工對組織投入的心力和組織承諾,將是本研究所欲探討的問題。 本研究之目的為透過員工對公司所推行的企業內部社會責任相關措施之評價,探討企業推動CSR方案中的內部措施對員工敬業度與組織承諾的影響。本研究根據文獻探討並參考相關研究工具,依據研究目的,編製企業內部社會責任問卷、員工敬業度問卷與組織承諾問卷。本研究對象為天下雜誌2012年8月出刊之「2012年天下企業公民獎」 選出的Top50企業之員工為研究母體,進行滾雪球式問卷發放;問卷總共回收280份問卷,有效問卷260份。 研究顯示眾多個人屬性變項中僅有年齡會於企業內部社會責任的「員工權益與福利項目」構面存在顯著差異,年資、行業類別會於企業內部社會責任各構面均存在顯著差異。企業內部社會責任中各構面對員工敬業度各構面均存在顯著正向關係。企業內部社會責任中僅「員工權益與福利項目」對組織承諾各構面均存在顯著正向關係。員工敬業度構面中僅「情感敬業度」對組織承諾三個構面均存在顯著正向影響。員工敬業度對企業內部社會責任和組織承諾間具有部分的中介效果。


Most previous studies have shown that private enterprises usually emphasized on the community- or environment-based CSR activities instead of, internal, employee-based CSR. Even though studies have found CSR was influential to human resources activities in enterprises, while the impacts on internal CSR practices to staffs and the relationships between internal CSR practices were not explored. Can managers motivate staffs' efforts and commitment through reinforcing internal CSR? It’s the major issue of this study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of internal CSR programs on employees’ engagement and organizational commitments. The author drew subjects from the "Taiwan's Top 50 Corporate Citizens 2012" by CommonWealth Magazine and used a mailed questionnaires to collect data. Two hundred and sixty (260) valid questionnaires were analyzed from 280 returned questionnaires. Important findings from analyses are the following: 1.Samples with different ages show different perception on "employees' rights and welfare", while samples with various seniority and industry background show significant differences on every internal CSR dimensions. 2.Positive relationships exist among all the dimensions of internal CSR and employee engagement. 3.Only "employees' rights and welfare, in the internal CSR dimensions, shows positive relationships with dimensions of organizational commitment. 4.Emotional engagement, the only dimension of employee engagement, shows positive relationships with three dimensions of organizational commitment. 5.Partial intermediary effect of employee engagement exists between internal CSR and organizational commitment.


