  • 學位論文


An Anyalisis of Class Cleavage in Taiwan Citizens’ Attitudes toward Social Policy

指導教授 : 呂建德


經濟全球化的影響擴大了產業間以及不同技術層級勞工間的利益差距,而持續的利益不均等是引起意識分歧或社會衝突的動能。過往以自利論為基礎的福利態度研究提出當社會的利益分配狀況改變時,相關的態度或意識偏好會依照利益分配的狀況去形塑。從全球化這樣的背景來看利益不均的社會分歧時,階級是個重要的因素,也是西方已開發國家長久以來探討福利態度分歧的重要因子。 本研究以台灣社會變遷基本調查2006年第五期第六次「公民與國家」這主題的問卷進行分析,探討在全球化背景下台灣民眾的福利態度是否以階級作為態度分歧的界線,在此同時階級弱勢者是否也更支持福利國家擴張。結果顯示,各階級雖然在福利態度交叉分析中發現差異,但並未完全呈現弱勢階級較支持福利政策的趨勢。在二元羅吉斯迴歸中階級並非持續顯著的變項,而且階級弱勢者也沒有呈現相對支持福利國家擴張的趨勢。在分析中台灣民眾主要的福利態度分歧是以教育程度、收入、年齡、居住地區作為福利態度的分野。關於台灣民眾福利態度不以階級作為分歧的可能原因是:社會福利不利於經濟發展的主客觀意識洗禮、民眾仍存在階級流動的印象、台灣缺乏階級動員經驗難形成階級認同、社會福利政策在政治上也可能結合優勢階級利益。 目前兩岸經貿往來狀況持續加深,潛在階級利益差異與衝突可能不斷擴大。階級作為台灣社會主要分歧的可能性將隨著兩岸經貿往來與台灣全球化程度升高而增加。


階級 福利態度 所得不均 全球化 台灣


The impact of economic globalization has not only widened the gap of interests between the labor of different industries and of different skill levels, while the continuing interest inequality has also resulted attitude cleavage or social conflict. From the previous researches of welfare attitude based on self-interest approach, they propose welfare attitude and policy preference will be rebuild when the distribution of the interest has changed. It is found that class is an important explaining factor while examing the welfare attitude cleavage of advanced countries. Hence class is highly concerned while examing the welfare attitude in this study. The data of 2006 Taiwan Social Change Survey fifth round is used to investigate whether class is an important factor influencing Taiwan attitudes toward social welfare, as well as if the vulnerable groups support more for welfare state expansion than the privilege groups do. The result shows that class is not a significant factor in the binary logistic regression and vulnerable groups do not support the expansion of welfare state. What is more, education, individual income, age and region of residence are found to be significant in the regression model. The reason that class is insignificant may because the interest inequality is lack of political articulation. Though class is not a significant factor in this analysis, it is discovered that cross-strait economic interaction is going to deteriorate the class cleavage among industries and vulnerable groups face great economic insecurities. Therefore more attention on class analysis should be paid in the following welfare attitude research in Taiwan.


welfare attitude income inequality Globalization class Taiwan


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