

本研究為探討樂齡講師訓練成效評估之研究並以,教育部樂齡教育專業人員為對象。首先進行文獻之歸納與分析,而后依據研究目的,採用問卷調查法,根據文獻討探及參酌國內外研究之相關量表,編擬調查問卷。旨在應用四層次評鑑模式探討樂齡講師訓練成效,包括培訓滿意情形、培訓內容的吸收及態度改變情形、培訓後成效的提升情形。 102年度正式問卷總計發出310份問卷,回收有效問卷291份,有效回收率為93.8%;103年度正式問卷總計發出116份問卷,回收有效問卷107份,有效回收率92.2%,合計發出426份問卷,回收有效問卷398份,有效回收率93.4%。調查所得資料,以受測者描述性統計分析,呈現樂齡教育專業師資培訓訓練成效之情形,並以t檢定、單因子變異數分析瞭解師資培訓訓練成效不同項目之差異。本研究之發現如下; 1. 取得樂齡講師資格以女性為主約佔七成,年齡以中高齡者占大多數,符合中高齡者人力再運用以及中高齡者服務高齡者的精神。 2. 樂齡講師對於初階、進階與實作培訓等三階段的培訓具有相當不錯的滿意度。 3. 樂齡講師「同意」培訓內容對於其在高齡教育相關知識、技能與態度皆有明顯的改變,然而對於高齡教學技能方面仍需要再加強,尤其以電腦科技的使用為最。。




This study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of training senior lecturers, in particular the fulltime senior lecturers recruited by the Ministry of Education as research objects. Started with literature review and analysis, this study prepared questionnaires in accordance with its research purpose based on the results obtained from literature review together with the scales designed by researchers in Taiwan and in elsewhere of the world for the related research projects. This study adopted 4-Level Training Evaluation Model to identify the training effectiveness, such as the satisfaction of training programs, comprehension of training programs and changes of attitudes, as well as the enhancement of training effectiveness. In 2013, 310 questionnaires were issued and 291 valid questionnaires were received from respondents. Valid response rate was 93.8%. In 2014, 116 questionnaires were issued and 107 valid questionnaires were received. Valid response rate dropped a little bit to 92.2%. Altogether 426 questionnaires were issued and 398 valid questionnaires were received with overall valid response rate as high as 93.4%. This study examined the data acquired from the questionnaires using descriptive statistics to identify the training effectiveness and thus identified the effectiveness of training senior lecturers. Moreover, the variance between different items in connection with training effectiveness was analyzed using t-test and one-way ANOVA. Findings are summarized as follows: 1. As many as 70% of senior lecturers are female and the great majority of senior lecturers are either middle-aged citizens or senior citizens. Apparently, senior lecturers’ age distribution is exactly in line with the call for reutilization of middle-aged manpower & senior manpower as well as the call for middle-aged citizens & senior citizens jointly serving senior citizens. 2. Senior lecturers revealed a high level of satisfaction in terms of their participation in three levels of training programs, namely, introductory level, advanced level, and field practice. 3. Senior lecturers ‘agreed’ that they have changed significantly in terms of their knowledge related to senior citizen education, skills, and attitudes. Nevertheless, they felt that they have to improve their teaching skills to cope with the needs of senior students, in particular the use of computer technologies.


senior lecturers


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