  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Consuming Intentions in Agricultural Products which with Traceability Quick Response Code in Pingtung Area- A Case Study of the Taisugar Relievable Pork

指導教授 : 林豐瑞


學號:N9650015 論文題目:屏東地區消費者對產銷履歷行動條碼農產品消費行為意圖之研究-以台糖安心豚為例 總 頁 數:161 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:農企業管理系碩士在職專班 畢業時間及摘要別:九十七學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研 究 生:陳淑燕 指導教授:林豐瑞博士 論文摘要內容:本研究依研究動機與目的,以屏東地區曾購買過台糖安心豚的消費者為對象,並以問卷調查方式與SPSS8.0進行實證分析,本研究旨在探討屏東地區消費者對台糖安心豚產銷履歷行動條碼農產品之概況,並藉由計畫行為理論模式,以結構方程模式驗證探討屏東地區消費者對產銷履歷行動條碼農產品之態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、消費行為意圖及消費行為模式之適合度及其與理論潛在變數間之影響關係。 研究結果顯示,一、態度、知覺行為控制及消費行為是影響屏東地區消費者對產銷履歷行動條碼農產品消費行為意圖認知不同的重要因素。二、本研究藉由計畫行為理論建構之屏東地區消費者對產銷履歷行動條碼農產品之衡量模式,可以用來解釋與預測態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、消費行為意圖及消費行為之影響關係,而且分別透過其主要關鍵因素以影響彼此間之正向相關程度。最後,本研究依研究結果進一步提出可能的行銷管理意涵,並提出具體可行之建議供台糖公司及相關企業規劃與執行之參考。 關鍵字:計畫行為理論,產銷履歷,行動條碼,消費行為意圖


Abstract Student ID: N9650015 Title of Thesis: An Investigation of Consuming Intentions in Agricultural Products which with Traceability Quick Response Code in Pingtung Area- A Case Study of the Taisugar Relievable Pork Total Pages: 161 Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Agribusiness Management, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Date: July, 2009 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Shu-Yen Chen Adviser: Dr. Feng-Jui Lin The contents of Abstract in this thesis: The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the target consumers, who bought Taisugar Relievable Pork in Pingtung area, by questionnaire inquisition and SPSS8.0 simulation. Otherwise, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)and the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) technique are applied to validate this case. We investigate the customers’ attitude toward, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and consuming intentions of Pingtung area consuming intentions for agricultural products with traceability quick response code, and the fitness between the TPB and their correlation with the variables of theoretically potentials. The results in this study are presented in the following: 1. Attitude toward, controls of aware behaviors, and consuming behaviors are important factors influencing different cognitions for consuming intentions in agricultural products which with traceability quick response code in Ping Tung area. 2. The study can be used to explain and predict the correlation among attitude toward, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, consuming intentions, and consuming behaviors in the measuring mode of Pingtung area consuming intentions for agricultural products with traceability quick response code constructed by the TPB; the correlations would individually affect the positive relating levels among the variables by the key elements. To sum up, the research offers the possible managing though according to the research results and provides workable suggestions as the reference for Taisugar and other related enterprises to plan and execute. Keywords:The Theory of planned Behavior(TPB),traceability,quick response code,consuming intentions.


陳富川,2007,應用QR Code 設計手機個人化行動購物系統,碩士論文,大同大學資訊工程研究所。


