  • 學位論文


Simulation of the Formation Characteristics for Mercury and Halogenated Emerging Compounds in Fly Ashes by Using a Laboratory System

指導教授 : 林傑


焚化爐燃燒過程中,汞化合物及戴奧辛之相性轉化及生成關鍵為防治污染課題之一。近年來由於溴化阻燃劑大量運用,燃燒含溴廢棄物在煙道排氣內會衍生出含溴新興污染物,同時排氣中的飛灰可能會透過表面特性將這些溴化污染物吸附。本研究利用實驗系統模擬一般尾氣污染防治設備,添加五溴酚及溴化汞作為溴源,藉此了解袋濾式集塵器及其下游端之現象。研究結果顯示,以相性轉化方面來看,當飛灰添加五溴酚時,尾氣端氣相汞含量由飛灰背景值的2.2 μg提升至11.9 μg,尾氣端氣相百分比從2.2 %上升至11.9 %。而同時添加五溴酚與溴化汞於飛灰中,其尾氣端氣相汞含量由2.2 μg提升至9.1μg,但以氣相汞生成百分率來看,由2.2 %下降至0.1 %。第二階段單獨以相性轉化至煙道氣中的氣相汞形態來看,於實驗160 ℃的溫度下,分別添加五溴酚、溴化汞及同時添加五溴酚及溴化汞,由飛灰中的汞形態主要皆為氣態元素汞,其百分比分別為89.5 % 、88.3%、91.6%,而氧化汞形態則分別為10.5 %、11.7 %、8.4 %。


飛灰 五溴酚 溴化汞 溴化戴奧辛


Combustion of domestic products containing mercury and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) may lead to concurrent emission of mercury and brominated emerging contaminants. Especially, these brominated compounds were adsorbed onto the surface of fly ash particles. Experiments were conducted adding the organic and inorganic bromide sources with bag house fly ashes in a packed bed reactor under real flue gas conditions to simulate the filter cake zone. The results indicated that adding pentabromophenol into the fly ash has significantly enhancement for mercury transform to the flue gas phase. The amount of mercury was increased from 2.2ug to 11.9ug. The relative percentage of mercury was increased from 2.2% to 11.9%. However, adding the pentabromophenol and mercury bromide at the same time cause to increase the amount of mercury in the flue gas from 2.2ug to 9.1ug but the percentage of mercury was decreased from 2.2% to 0.1% in the gas phase. This research reported that the effects of mercury on the phase transformation were enhanced by adding bromide sources. The elemental mercury percentages were 89.5%、88.3% and 91.6% in the fly ash. The oxidized mercury percentages were 10.5%、11.7% and 8.4%, respectively.


Fly Ash Mercury PBP HgBr2 PBDD/Fs


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