  • 學位論文


The performace of solar power generation systems at Changhua, Hualien, and Tainan

指導教授 : 張國慶


本研究蒐集中央氣象局2013年01月~2013年12月彰化、花蓮、臺南三地日照等氣候資料及發電資料,探討中部彰化裝置容量285.12 kWp、東部花蓮裝置容量197.19 kWp及臺南南科裝置容量99.3 kWp,三地點太陽能發電狀況。探討模擬發電量、實際發電量、回收效益及溫室氣體減量效益。 依據2013年氣候資料統計結果,全年度日射量,臺南地區高達5.63 kW/㎡-day,平均1 kWp裝置容量日發電量為3.678 kWh;彰化地區全年度日射量達到5.18 kW/㎡-day的水準,平均1 kWp裝置容量日發電量為3.632 kWh,花蓮地區全年度日射量達到4.27 kW/㎡-day的水準,平均1kWp裝置容量日發電量為2.56 kWh。顯示臺南和彰化地區全年平均較東部花蓮具發電潛能。 根據研究結果,依氣象資料及發電設備裝置量去預估發電量,實際發電量與預估發電量都會有62.16%~70.22%之落差。因此在評估回收年限及發電量時建議臺南地區參考係數0.6319,彰化地區參考係數0.7022,花蓮地區參考係數0.6216。 本研究發現2013年的平均日射量較1981~2010年平均日射量有升高 趨勢。在日射量變化方面,臺南增加34.04%、花蓮增加4.14%,臺中則增加了23.8%之多,有利於太陽能發電。 每1kWh之發電成本計算結果,以彰化最低為3.02元,花蓮最高達29.83元。換算設置成本回收時程,花蓮屬於建材一體型原始造價高,須46.25年,彰化則須7.06年回收。 以2013年發電狀況推算3地區20年後每度電發電成本,其中臺南5.73 元/ kWh,比臺電燃油機組6.55元/kWh及燃氣機組5.85元/kWh低。彰化3.022元/kWh,甚至比燃氫複循環機組3.80 kWh/元低。並且已接近臺電公佈家用售價2.7319元/kWh~工業用售價2.7030元/kWh。


According to climate data from Central Weather Bureau during January 2013 - December 2013, this research investigated the 285.12kWp device of the farm at Changhua, the 197.19kWp device of the public building (Sun power City) at Hualien, and the 99.3kWp device of the top of the factory at Tainan Nanke, respectively. This research probed the virtual generation, the real generation, the benefit, and the contribution to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions for these places that were built the solar power system . According to the year 2013 weather data, the average amount of sunlight was 5.63 KW/m2-day at Tainan and the daily power output per 1 kWp of the solar power system was 3.678 kWh; the average amount of sunlight was 5.18 KW/ m2-day at Changhua and the daily power output per 1kWp was around 3.632 kWh; the average amount of sunlight was 4.27 KW/m2-day at Hualien, and the daily power output per 1kWp was around 2.56 kWh, respectively. It showed that Taiwan and Changhua both had more potential than the east of Taiwan- Hualien to develop solar power generation systems. The final real solar power generation and estimated solar power generation by the meteorology data and generating power device had the drop among 62.16% to 70.22%. Therefore, the suggested reference coefficients to estimate the recovery years for the proprietor should be the followings: 0.6319 at Tainan; 0.7022 at Changhua, and 0.6216 at Hualien area, respectively. It was found that solar radiation and temperature increased consistently from 1981 to 2010. Solar radiation increased 34.04% at Tainan, 4.14% at Hualien, and 23.8% at Taichung, respectively. For 1 kWh power cost, the lowest one was 3.02 NT dollars at Changhua and the highest one was 29.83 NT dollars at Hualien. Due to high installed cost of Building-integrated photovoltaic, BIPV, Hualien had the longest recovery years of 46.25 years, but it only took 7.06 years to recover at Changhua.


Solar Power Green Energy Greenhouse gases


14.陳谷豪,2011,光電廠NOx (黃煙)減量淨化處理之研究,國立屏東科技大學環境工程與科學系碩士學位論文。


