  • 學位論文


The Creation on the Performance of Cultural and Creative Product by Adopting Montage Technique

指導教授 : 王兆華


技術的普及讓創作者有更多的發展與可能性,創作的方法也由資訊爆炸的時代來臨得到了革新,數位的創作方式,讓傳統的技法能在更短的工作時間裏得到了延伸,作品經多種不同的媒材與技法交會的運用,將不再侷限於傳統只以紙面方式展示。 本創作將經由數位電腦軟體及蒙太奇表現手法的運用,結合微電影情節,嘗試以多媒體的表現方式,創作出不同以往形式的動畫作品。創作內容部份將以《紅樓夢》中的主要人物造型,運用數位繪圖,塑造出具有中國色彩的虛擬人物,主要動畫角色將配戴以其角色個性設計的文創飾品。希望將文創飾品的創作之美,透過穿梭古今的情境故事,提高觀眾對於文創產品與情境故事的興趣,並重新詮釋《紅樓夢》中的夢幻愛情。 「虛實相生」是傳統美學的重要論點,「實」是有限的具體景象,「虛」是無限的空靈,需要實體形式來表現,「虛」與「實」相生相成即能生生不息。以動畫的「虛擬」角色結合微電影「真人」拍攝情節,加上文創商品的「真實」,搭配充滿想像的「虛幻」故事,虛實之間互相影響,冀望能讓觀眾欣賞到文創之美的同時,也能透過戲劇上的力與美交織出新的火花。


蒙太奇 動畫 紅樓夢 多媒體 戲劇


In the era of information explosion, the innovation and popularization in technology allow creators to have more development and possibilities at the creation methods. By digital methods, the traditional techniques can be exerted more in the creation within a shorter period of time. Many types of media materials mixed with the techniques can be applied to anywhere, not just in paper. This work incorporates digital software, montage and micro-film plots, so that it can present the animation created via multimedia approach which is very different from the conventional methods. In this work, the main characters in "Dream of Red Mansions" were portrayed via digital painting and infused with Sinicism. All virtual figures in this animation wear the cultural and creative accessories which were designed according to their personalities. The beauty of the cultural and creative accessories design is displayed by the scenario crossing time and space shows, and it can not only enhance the audience’s interest in the story, but also reinterpret the fascinating love in "Dream of Red Mansions". “The Mutualism of actuality and fictitiousness” is an important argument in traditional Chinese aesthetics. “Actuality” means a finite entity, and “fictitiousness” is an infinite nihility brought out by tangible ways. Actuality and fictitiousness mutually beget each other and in result all the living things in the world can be endlessly created. Through the combination of the “virtual” characters in animation and “actual” persons in micro-film, the blend of the “existence” of culture products and imaginative "fictitious" stories, this work displays the interdependence of actuality and fictitiousness. The creator expects the audience to appreciate the beauty of the cultural and creative works. In the meanwhile, they can experience the strength and esthetics via the drama.


Montage Animation Dream of Red Mansions Multimedia Drama




