  • 學位論文


A Study on the Intention to Continued Use of E-book Loan Service-Taking Taiwan’s Cloud Library Database in Kaohsiung as an Example

指導教授 : 曾淑美


隨著數位時代的來臨與電子資源的崛起,讀者正逐漸改變以往蒐集與閱讀圖書的方式。而圖書館也不再只收藏紙本圖書,藉由新媒介的加入,圖書館開始提供讀者電子書的借閱服務。檢視過去研究發現,很少針對圖書館電子書服務持續使用意願作深入的探討。因此,本研究以高雄市立圖書館「台灣雲端書庫@高雄」為例,並結合「資訊系統接受後持續使用模式」來探討「台灣雲端書庫@高雄」的網站品質對使用者滿意度與持續使用意願的影響。本研究以使用過「台灣雲端書庫@高雄」電子書借閱服務之讀者為研究對象,總計共回收281 份有效紙本問卷,並使用SPSS進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,台灣雲端書庫@高雄之網站品質對確認程度具有顯著的正向影響;台灣雲端書庫@高雄之網站品質與確認程度對滿意度皆有顯著的正向影響;而讀者使用台灣雲端書庫@高雄後的滿意度對持續使用意願亦具有顯著的正向影響。最後,本研究提出提升電子書借閱服務持續使用意願的具體建議,以供圖書館提升電子書借閱服務持續使用意願之參考。


Along with the emergence of the digital era and the advancement of the electronic resources, readers gradually have changed their ways of collecting and reading literature, whilst libraries also no longer collected books in hard copies. Through the intervention of new media, libraries start to provide e-books loan service for the readers. When reviewing the previous literatures, it was found that there are still few studies investigating the continuance intention to use the e-book service. Therefore, this study took the Kaohsiung Public Library’s “Taiwan Cloud Library@Kaohsiung” as an example. Furthermore, based on the post-acceptance model of IS continuance, this researchinvestigates the influences of the website quality of “Taiwan’s Cloud Library@Kaohsiung” on users’satisfaction and continuance intention to use. The main subject of the research is people who have used the e-book loan service offered by the “Taiwan’s Cloud Library@Kaohsiung”. In total, there were 281 valid questionnaires and they were analyzed using the SPSS. The results showed that the website quality of “Taiwan’s Cloud Library@Kaohsiung” has significantly positive influence towards confirmation. Furthermore, the website quality and confirmation have significantly positive influence on users’ satisfaction. While the user’s satisfaction also has significantly positive influence on the continuance intention to use of e-book loan service.Finally, specific recommendations are provided for library operators to enhance the continuance intention to use of e-book loan service, so that they can improve theircontinuance intention to useof e-book loan service.


