  • 學位論文


Assessment of Substitute Service Qualities by Applying Fuzzy theory - A Case Study of Draftees in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 巫沛倉


綜觀古今中外歷史,國家的國防政策會因為戰略環境的改變而隨之因應,承平時期、戰備時期亦或戰爭時期的國防政策,均會影響國防政策制定的方向,尤其在兵役制度方面,變動幅度相當钜大。如替代役制度的產生,解決了兵源溢額及宗教良心拒服兵役等等問題。 我國因考量國防整體安全、政府財力、社會環境變遷、文化背景更易以及社會價值觀念等種種因素,兵役制度在這20多年來有多項大幅度的變革,依據現階段的國家目標,「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」是目前國軍防衛作戰的戰略構想,而現行國防政策的目標是以建立「質精、量小、戰力強」的現代化部隊,目前我國兵役制度為「志願役士兵、義務役士兵及替代役兵混合制」,志願役士兵制度自 2003 年開始迄今,預計至 2017年國軍將改制為全募兵制,而義務役士兵制度已於2013年開始轉型為僅受4個月軍事訓練即可,另外替代役制度自2000年開始實施,預計至2020年此一制度將完全結束走入歷史,我國替代役制度主要因應國防轉型而產生,待轉型完畢亦就功成身退了,但就學術面、制度面及執行面而言,此一制度內確有許多值得探討及研究之處。 本研究乃以Parasuraman, Zeithmal & Berry (PZB) (1985, 1988)所提出5項服務品質面向-有形構面、可靠購面、反應購面、保證購面、關懷購面,以及SERVQUAL量表作為本研究的主要架構,另以線性結構模式來探討替代役男服務品質與服勤單位之因果關係。最後用模糊多準則決策(Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Fuzzy MCDM)方式取得各項決策評估準則的權重,以客觀角度評估替代役男工作中影響品質的構面,用以評估服勤單位對役男之滿意度,以此提供相關單位改善之依據。 本研究以問卷調查法、模糊多準則決策分析、模糊權重運用在役男服勤單位對役男服務品質上的滿意度加以探討研究。運用模糊多準則決策分析方式探討使用單位對役男服務品質的滿意度做出評論,透過問卷的設計以及適當的研究方法,進行實證分析,歸納出本研究的結論。 本研究關心替代役男的服務品質與工作表現,希望呈現替代役男在高雄市政府各單位服務的工作滿意度,及其工作表現概貌,並根據結論提出值得探討的問題及具體建議,俾供相關單位或個人為提高役男服勤服務品質及其餘服勤訓練之參考。


In the view of ancient and modern history, the defense policy of certain country may be changed under defending environment subsequently. The direction to the defense policy varied due to the different environment, e.g. peace, wartime readiness, wartime. Owing to the considerations of national security and government finances and other factors, military service system in the past two decades owns a number of significant changes. The military system in Taiwan so far is built by the mix of volunteer, mandatory service, and substitute soldiers. Volunteer military system expected to become whole mercenary system, will be started in 2013 by the transition to only four months of basic military training. In addition, the substitute military will go to an end in 2020. Although the substitute military mainly produced in response to defense transformation, on the academic side, the system does have a lot of merit in this place to explore and research in the academic, institution and execution way. This study mainly focused on the relationship between the quality of substitute military draftees and service units by using the SERVQUAL (service quality) – tangibles, reliabilities, responsiveness, assurances and empathies which were developed in 1985 and 1988 by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry to measure quality in the service sector. Finally, using Fuzzy MCDM (fuzzy multiple criteria decision making) to obtain the weights of assessment of the decision-making criteria and applying an objective perspective to assess the effectiveness of work affective by the draftees. The results could be used as an effective method to evaluate the satisfactions of draftees from service units in order to apply as a basis. Moreover, this research used the documentation analysis, Fuzzy MCDM, and Fuzzy weights thoroughly to explore the satisfaction of the service qualities of the draftees from the service units. By using the Fuzzy MCDM to explore the satisfactions, designated the documentation analysis and found an appropriate researching method to adjust the true analysis and came out the results. The results show that all services own higher positive confirmation, followed by reliabilities, assurances and empathies. The responsiveness factor, the lowest score in total numerical evaluation, is the most important part for all kinds of draftees to strengthen and train in it.


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