  • 學位論文


The Study on the Intellectual Capital Evaluation Model and Financing Strategy of Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李樑堅
共同指導教授 : 黃永成(Yung-Cheng Huang)


創意產業近年來在全球產業發展中展現令人驚豔的經濟效益,台灣產業面臨轉型與升級壓力之際,「創新」是一帖良藥。但文創產業所面臨的最大難題即是在尋求資金挹注時,如何透過無形資產鑑價向銀行進行融資。 本研究透過文獻探討及深度訪談,以高雄打狗餅舖為個案研究對象,經由智慧資本衡量評價因子之分析,從外部架構資產、內部架構資產、員工個人能力及核心價值四個面向加以探討,並且嘗試建立其鑑價架構,以進行文創產業融資策略之建議,希冀作為其他文創業者或有意從事文創產業者之融資參考依據。 本研究經歸納分析得到的結論為「人的創意」是最重要的無形資產。籌資策略的運用上,信保基金的保證機制為融資時必備之配套措施。另外,進行無形資產鑑價時,除了考慮營運財務狀況,還要納入智慧資本所產生的經濟效益。因此可尋求進入資本市場之跨領域人才協助,朝向建立品牌、重視智財的方向努力。 本研究也對文創業者提出建議,以期能透過無形資產順利向銀行融資。包括加強產業化有助於無形資產鑑價、透過信保基金進行擔保、尋求協助營運計畫書或獎補助申請計畫之繕寫、選擇適合的融資往來銀行及微型文創業者可嘗試創新的籌資管道。


文創產業 無形資產 鑑價 融資


Creative industries show stunning economic development in the global industry in recent years. Taiwan's industries are facing the occasion of transformation and upgrading pressures. "Innovation" is the best solution currently. But the biggest problem is how to finance from bank through the appraisal of intangible asset while seeking the assistance of capital. This research takes Kaohsiung Da-Go cake shop as a case study by literature discussion and in-depth interviews. We study deeply from four factors, the assets of external architecture, the assets of interior architecture, the personal capabilities of employees and core value through the analysis of measure factors of Intellectual capital. And also we try to establish its architecture of valuation to propose the suggestion for the financing strategies of cultural and creative industries. Hope it can be the finance reference for others or those who intend to engage in cultural and creative industries. This study presents the conclusions obtained by inductive analysis as "human creativity" is the most important intangible assets. The use of financing strategies, the assured mechanism of SMEG is the essential complementary measures when financing. In addition, it needs to consider the economic benefits arising from intellectual capital beside the financial position of the operation while performing the valuation of intangible asset. It might look for the assistance of interdisciplinary talents from the capital markets and towards the direction of brand building and attention of intellectual property. This study also made recommendations for cultural and creative industries and expect they can get the financing from bank smoothly through intangible assets. The recommendations are including valuation of intangible asset by strengthening the industrialization, to be secured through the SMEG, seek help for operation plan or award grants application plan, selecting of the appropriate financing bankers, mini cultural and creative industries can try innovative financing channels.


Contractor, Farok J. (2001) , Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operatations, London: Quorum Book , pp.7


