  • 學位論文

導入ISO/TS16949於車用零組件廠商之新產品開發流程 -以K公司為例

Implementing an ISO/TS16949 Based New Product Development Procedure for an Automobile Parts Maker

指導教授 : 孫德修


品質是維繫一個企業能否永續經營的原動力,透過員工全體參與,不斷地改進、滿足或符合顧客的需求,以達成企業的目標。TS16949:2002品質管理系統於2002 年3 月公佈至今,不論新導入的或已導入舊(2000年)版的公司或機構團體,都面臨導入或轉換與已往舊版本在觀念及作法上都截然不同的困境。本論文主要目的在探討企業導入TS16949:2002品質管理系統有關品質訓練的部份。企業導入TS16949:2002 品質管理系統時需將公司既定的作業流程,依據TS16949:2002品質管理系統之理念修正後,讓全體員工具體遵循。TS16949:2002品質管理系統相當重要的是教育員工認識品質系統,企業必須保證對從事品質相關事項的員工,有足夠能力提供企業對顧客的承諾,要使公司員工認識、認同品質手冊內所述各項,必須有計畫的對員工進行培訓方可達成。


Quality is to able to maintain a sustainable business driving force, through the participation of all employees, continuous improvement to meet or comply with the customer''s needs in order to achieve business goals. TS16949: 2002 quality management system in March 2002 have be announced so far, regardless of the newly imported or import the old (2000) version of the company or organization ,which are faced with the past import or convert older versions of the concepts and a way of the doing dilemma . The main purpose of this paper is to explore business importing TS16949: 2002 part about the quality of training quality management system. 2002 quality management system must be established processes of the company, according to TS16949:After Quality management system was amended ,allow all employees to follow specific. TS16949: 2002 quality management system is quite important to know the quality of the education system for all employees, companies must ensure employees to be able to enough provide corporate commitment to customers for engaged in quality-related matters , all employees must be know the recognition of the quality manual in each items and must to have a plan for staff training


18.王正光,「以 ISO/TS 16949 : 2002 建構新產品開發品質管理系統之研
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23.黃振育,「ISO 9001品質系統之探討」,品質月刊41卷3期,p16-17,
