  • 學位論文


Using AHP Approach to Investigate the Choice of Manpower Evaluation Index of Occupational Safety and Health Department in the T Case Company

指導教授 : 黃勇富


人力資源活動在企業之重要性已有日漸升高的趨勢,相信許多主管已深刻意識到績效評估考量標準的建立,是一門學問,這種情形在個案公司中更為明顯,從過去的評鑑資料可以看出,T公司在人力運用、工時分配等制度上仍有改善空間,故本研究藉由國內外人力評鑑之文獻,以理論角度切入,建立一套完整的人力評鑑機制,針對T公司之勞安部門人力做合理化的分析與評估,求得客觀的預測並解釋人力運用,此即為本研究的主要動機。因此,本研究主要目的為:一、替T公司勞安部門發展出合適的評鑑模式,並選出配適之人力評鑑指標,並按其性質分類彙整。二、針對T公司之勞安部門以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,簡稱AHP法)給予各項指標權重及排序。三、運用此模式搭配激勵方式,提升員工工作動機及留職意願。 經由AHP分析之結果,與學者提出以財務面衡量績效仍顯不足的看法無異,故本研究於非財務面加入作業與環境績效衡量,結果顯示對於勞安課之績效,非財務面的績效指標較重要,且其中的環境績效對於勞安課之績效評估有極重要的影響。 研究結果如下:一、將T公司勞安課之評鑑指標給予適當權重;二、在進行評鑑之後,績效評估方式為原始績效乘以績效指標之權重,顯示此結果為彈性、客觀的;三、利用此模式搭配因素點數法,提供T公司激勵績效較佳員工之方式,增加工作誘因。


績效指標 績效評估 AHP法


Human resources activity had the tendency which importance in the enterprise elevates day after day, believes that the human resource manager has realized the performance evaluation consideration standard profoundly the establishment is a big knowledge, case of company this research (T corporation) faces this question exactly, base on manpower evaluation data from the past to be possible to see, T Corporation in the manpower application and work-hour systems still to have the improvement space, therefore this research collects the foreign and domestic manpower literature from the theory angle, establishes a complete manpower evaluation pattern, made a objective and rational manpower application to analysis T Corporation’s department, forecast and explains the manpower application, this namely for this research dominant motive. This research main purpose is: First, works the occupational safety and health department for T corporation to develop an appropriate evaluation pattern, and selects the suitable performance evaluation index, then collects according to its nature classification puts in order. Second, uses AHP method to give each index weight and sorting fatigue of occupational safety and health department in view of the T corporation. Third, utilizes this pattern matching drive way, promotes the staff job motivation. The result analyzed via AHP method is the same as scholar put forward the financial performance still can’t insufficient to show the whole performance, so this research on join operation and environmental performance, result reveal the non-financial performace is more important, and environmental performance have the extremely important influence of the performance on occupational safety and health department. The findings are as follows: First, makes a suitable weight fluctuation with the index; Second, the performance evaluation way is multiplied by weight of the performance index for the primitive performance, demonstrates this result objectively for the elasticity; Third, uses this pattern to collocate Weighted in points, drove that the achievements good staff, increases the work incentive.


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