  • 學位論文


Cognition, Experience of Culture Influence on Behavior Intention for Masses Participate Traditional Activity - A Case Study in Keelung Chungyuan Festival.

指導教授 : 鄭政宗 朱瑞淵


本研究旨在探討雞籠中元祭民眾文化認知、文化體驗與行為意圖之影響,以雞籠中元祭作研究基地,並以其民眾為研究對象,採便利抽樣進行問卷發放,共計發放420份,有效回收問卷為406份,有效回收率達96.67%。資料分析方法包括描述性統計分析、交叉分析、多變量變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定與結構方程模式。其研究結果發現:受訪者男性是多於女性;年齡以31~40歲最多,其次為41~50歲,61歲以上最少;職業以從事工商服務業者居多,其次為學生,最低者是從事其他;月收入多為30001~40000元,其次為10000元以下,最低者為10001~20000元者;婚姻狀況是已婚大於未婚;教育程度以大學(專科)居多,其次為高中(職),最少是研究所(含以上);居住地以北部居多,其次為中部,其他則偏低;來訪次數以3次以上為最多,其次為第1次,最少為第2次。而不同背景變項在文化認知、文化體驗與行為意圖中,具有顯著差異存在;雞籠中元祭民眾之文化認知對文化體驗達顯著影響;雞籠中元祭民眾文化體驗對行為意圖達顯著影響。 為促使雞籠中元祭能永續發展,本研究依據研究結果提出以下建議:建議雞籠中元祭主辦單位應增加文化體驗活動項目及落實執行接受建議及改進,並且可以推出優待外地民眾方案,進而吸引人群參與意願。


The study aims to explore the influence among the people’s culture awareness, culture experience, and behavioral intention. This research selected the people who are in the ghost festival as the objects, 420 questionnaires were sent out in total, recovering valid questionnaires 406 shares and the rate of effective returned was 96.67%. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistical analysis, cross-analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, ANOVA analysis, independent samples T test and structural equation modeling. the results of this study are: Males are more than females, especially ages from 31-40 are the most, followed by 41 ~ 50 years old. Ages above 61 are the least.Besides, most of them engage in industrial and business services, the second are students, and the final are others. Moreover, their monthly income that between 30001-40000 dollars is the most, second is lower than 10000. And 10001~20000 is the least. Furthermore, most of them were married. About their educational background, a bachelor’s degree was the most, followed by high school. And the least were a master's degree, etc. Besides, most of them are form northern, second are from the midland. And others are the least. People who visited three or more times were the most, followed by once. And twice was the least. However, different backgrounds among culture awareness, culture experience, and behavioral intention have significant difference.The culture awareness of people has great impact on culture experience, and culture experience of people also has impact on behavioral intention. To promote the Sustainable Development of Keelung Mid-summer Ghost Festival, the research made suggestions according to research conclusion as follows: Host of Keelung Chungyuan Festival should add some items about culture experience, and the measure must to be implemented accurately. Moreover, they can figure out some promotion to attract the people’s willingness of Participation.


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