  • 學位論文


Investigation on the detection and improvement of smoke emitted from two-stroke motorcycles

指導教授 : 楊錫賢


二行程機車的機油透過機油泵浦將汽油與機油混合,並由曲軸箱隨燃料進入燃燒室中一起燃燒,因為機油較汽油不容易揮發,機油油滴顆粒較大,在引擎燃燒室內無法迅速燃燒,未燃燒完成之機油,透過排氣系統排放出來,即形成青白煙。這種青白煙是粒狀污染物的一種,由於可用肉眼明顯分辨出來,為一般民眾所厭惡,環保署自1999年實施「鼓勵民眾檢舉高污染烏賊車」活動以來,各地環保局的檢舉案件都以機車為主,可見機車所排放的青白煙最為一般民眾所關切。 本研究選定中部某縣市為研究對象,該縣市之二行程機車約有38萬輛,佔機車總數22%,本研究針對2012年至2014年曾遭民眾檢舉至少1次以上,且經目測判煙判定為有污染之虞之機車,列為青白煙通知檢測對象。本研究採實驗方式進行,直接以惰轉急加速的方式來執行檢測,並以MA-200A光學式煙度試驗器不透光率分析儀來進行量測,機車轉速控制條件為5,000 ± 500 rpm,量測排氣中的不透光率。本研究共檢測2,855輛遭檢舉烏賊車,其中發現目前行政院環境保護署委託機車排氣檢驗站來檢驗氣狀污染物,無法能實際測得相關污染情況,其CO與HC分別與檢測數據並無相關性,若要嚴格管制高污染之二行程機車,應全面皆以青白煙檢測方式來辦理,可實際獲得其相關成效改善。另在本研究中粒狀污染物檢驗不合格共897輛,占31.4%,平均不透光率為25.6%。更換排氣管、機油泵浦等老舊零件對二行程機車的不透光率有較明顯的改善,可使平均不透光率降為14.6%。


Gasoline and lubricant oil are mixed and burned in the cylinder for the two-stroke motorcycles. However, lubricant oil might not be properly mixed with the gasoline fuel and thus not completely combusted when burned in the combustion chamber. The smoke with blue and white color from two-stroke motorcycles can be seen by naked eye, which has been an important environmental issue in Taiwan. Taiwan EPA has encouraged people report vehicles with high air pollutant emissions since 1999. Most reported cases are two-stroke motorcycles, indicating that two-stroke motorcycles with blue and white smoke is deeply concerned by public. There are 38 thousand two-stroke motorcycles in Taichung city, which accounts for 22% of total motorcycles. In this study, we aimed at the two-stroke motorcycles which have reported more than one time by public and also for the visual identification of discharged smoke. Furthermore the public who compare with these two standards being notified and examined about two-stroke motorcycles with blue and white smoke. In addition, measuremwnt are performed for the two-stroke motorcycles with idle and speed up, and also used the instrument of MA-200A to measure the opacity of motorcycle exhaust. The driving condition was controlled constant at 5,000 ± 500 rpm. We tested 2,885 of two-stroke motorcycles. The results show that the correlation is not significant between gaseous air pollutants (CO and HC) and opacity. For this reason, we recommend EPA to use opacity to measure smoke emission from two-stroke motorcycles instead of gaseous air pollutants. The results also show that 31.4% (average opacity is 25.6%) of the 897 test motorclces does not meet the emission standard. To change exhaust pipes and lubricant oil pumps of can reduce the smoke emission effectively. The average opacity is reduced from 25.6% to 14.6%.


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