  • 學位論文


The Study of Health Effects Caused by SO2, O3&PM10 Emissions in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 林盛隆


本研究主要是利用衝擊路徑法推估2006?2008年高雄都會區空氣污染物所造成的外部成本。以環保署的空氣品質監測站與高雄都會區地方監測站資料為依據,盤查SO2、O3及PM10的濃度,再以地理資訊系統中的一般克力金法,推估出高雄都會區各行政區三種空氣污染物年平均暴露量。配合劑量反應函數推估健康衝擊值,運用效益移轉方式,推估出各行政區損害成本與高雄都會區的單位損害成本。 在健康衝擊方面,歷年來SO2造成人體健康上衝擊,以2006年三民區市民衝擊值為最高,分別為34.8 YOLL/yr與13 case/yr。在O3方面模擬結果顯示,以2007年三民區市民衝擊值為最高,分別為133.9 YOLL/yr與163 case/yr。在PM10方面模擬結果顯示,以2006 年三民區市民衝擊值為最高,分別為90.7 YOLL/yr與63 case/yr。 在損害成本方面,在2006?2008年中,SO2、O3與PM10造成的損害成本皆以2007年為最高,損害成本分別為3.7億元、13.8億元與9.5億元。在行政區的部分,SO2、O3與PM10造成的損害成本皆以2007年三民區為最高,損害成本分別為0.83億元、3.42億元與2.19億元最高。 在單位損害成本部分,SO2的單位損害成本推估結果以2007年的10.04 NTD/Kg為最高。PM10造成的單位損害成本推估結果也是以2007年的49.49 NTD/Kg為最高。


This study utilized an European-based methodology, ie.Impact Pathway Approach, to estimate the external costs caused by air pollutants in Kaohsiung City from 2006 to 2008. Based on the information collected by the air pollution monitoring stations of Environment Protection Administration and the monitoring stations in Kaohsiung City , the concertration of the target pollutants, ie. SO2, O3 and PM10 ,were selected.An Ordinary Kriging Method of GIS(Geographic Information System) was employed to estimate the average amounts of exposure per year of three kinds of air pollutants in each district of Kaohsiung City . This study employed dose-response functions to estimate health impacts and adopted the way of benefit transfer to estimate damage costs of each district and unit damage costs of Kaohsiung City. In recent years, SO2 caused the most health impact in Sanmin in 2006, which were 34.8 YOLL/yr and 13 case/yr separately for acute mortality and respiratory hospital admission. The stimulated outc- ome also shows that O3 caused the most impacts in Sanmin in 2007, which were 133.9 YOLL/yr and 163 case/yr, and PM10 caused the most impacts in Sanmin in 2006, which were 90.7 YOLL/yr and 63 case/yr. From 2006 to 2008, in the aspect of damage costs, SO2、O3 and PM10 caused the most impact in 2007, which was 0.37 billion, 1.38 billion, and 0.95 billion separately. In the aspect of district, SO2, O3, and PM10 caused the most in Sanmin District in 2007, which was 83 million, 342 million, and 219 million. In the aspect of unit damage costs, the estimated outcome shows that SO2 caused the most in 2007, which was 10.04 NTD/Kg; and PM10 also caused the most in 2007, which was 49.49 NTD/Kg.


1﹒Burnett, R.T., Dales, R.E., et al., “Effects of low ambientlevels of ozone and sulfates on the frequency of respiratory admissions to Ontario hospitals,”
Environ. Res. Vol.65, pp.172–194. (1994) .


吳厚廉(2011)。以衝擊路徑法評估SO2、O3及PM10 之外部成本~以高屏空品區為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410142304
