  • 學位論文


The Effects of Organizational Training on Life Insurance Employees’ Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention

指導教授 : 張鐵軍 徐碧霙


現今台灣的壽險業者提供組織訓練去改善員工的工作技能和傳達新的知識或趨勢給員工。本研究的壽險員工包含內勤人員和外勤人員(壽險業務員)。此研究比較組織訓練對壽險業內外勤員工組織承諾的影響並探討組織承諾和離職傾向的關係。2014年從台灣一家上市壽險公司的台中分公司發放650份問卷,有效問卷272份。 研究結果顯示,內外勤員工因工作特性不同,在組織訓練、組織承諾和離職傾向各方面有顯著差異。其中外勤業務人在組織訓練的獲益與組織承諾並未達顯著水準,意謂著員工接受訓練的獲益必須直接聯繫到工作成效,才會對組織承諾有正向效果。保險業務人員因其工作成效係以累計保單初年度佣金達成率為主,雖然專業知識提升會對工作有助益,但影響保單取得的影響因素眾多,對壽險業務人員施以訓練,並不一定對取得保單有直接效益,所以訓練的效益對壽險業務人員就不是那麼顯著;反之壽險內勤人員因為訓練可直接影響其工作成效,所以其參與組織訓練獲益對組織承諾就呈現顯著正相關。員工參與組織訓練的獲益、參與組織訓練的機會、參與組織訓練的支持顯著影響他們的組織承諾,但員工參與組織訓練的動機不顯著影響他們的組織承諾。以壽險業為例,其接受訓練對其維持執業資格有直接關聯,所以員工接受訓練動機的自願性相對較低,而這可能促使組織訓練動機對組織承諾未達顯著之原因。此外員工的組織承諾與離職傾向成負向效果,亦即組織承諾越高;離職傾向越低。


Current Taiwan life insurance companies provide organizational training to employees for improving their job skills and convey new knowledge or trends to their employees, office staff and salespeople. This study compared the effects of organizational training on life insurance employees’ organizational commitment, and investigated the relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention. Total 650 pieces of 7-point-Likert questionnaires were distributed to life insurance employees at Taichung branch of a listed life insurance company in central Taiwan and then 272 valid questionnaires were collected in 2014. The results indicated that there was significant divergence between salespeople and office staff in terms of organizational training, organizational commitment, and turnover intention because of job characteristics. The study found benefits from organizational training insignificantly influenced salespeople’s organizational commitment. In other words, positive organizational commitment occurs when benefits from organizational training connect with job effectiveness. Participating organizational training can upgrade salespeople’s professional knowledge and skills, but it does not make first year commission (FYC) increase immediately after organizational training. There are many factors influencing a deal between salespeople and clients. The effects of organizational training did not obviously connect with reaching a deal; thus, benefits from training insignificantly influenced life insurance salespeople’s organizationalcommitment. In contrast to salespeople, the effects of organizational training directly related to office staff’s job effectiveness; it led to benefits from organizational training significantly influenced their organizational commitment. Benefits from training, access to training and support for training significantly influenced both office staff’s and salespeople’s organizational commitment; nevertheless, motivation to training insignificantly influenced these employees’ organizational commitment. In this case, the purpose of participating organizational training is for satisfying the judicial requirement for employment, no matter how super skills employees have. Therefore, motivation to training insignificantly influenced organizational commitment. Besides, the results also showed that employees’ organizational commitment negatively influenced employees’ turnover intention. That is, the more organizational commitment is; the less turnover intention is.


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