  • 學位論文


Reasoning Non-compliance of Contractors with the Occupational Health and Safety Management Regulations in Public Construction Projects

指導教授 : 周慧瑜


根據行政院勞工委員會100年檢查年報中營造業職業災害資料顯示,統計近10年間之全產業,發生之重大職業災害其中營造業占整體的49%,係屬高風險產業。行政院自95年以來推動行全國職場233減災方案,於98年訂定職業安全衛生促進方案,於同年另修訂加強公共工程勞工安全衛生管理作業要點,為使職業災害率降低及提升公共工程之勞工安全衛生管理水準,以落實職業安全衛生工作。依據上述背景動機,本研究彙整在職業安全衛生相關法規、管理執行實務方面所提供資訊,分析說明現行公共工程安全衛生工作落實度的問題,探討從營造工程從生命週期各階段安衛管理之法定責任歸屬,分別從法規制度面與實際執行面,繪製安衛工作未落實之關聯圖,為使能明確瞭解釐清各層面問題發生原因之剖析。 研究成果可分為以下重點分析:一、設計規劃階段在制度面應確實規劃安全設施圖說,但因設計單位缺乏施工實際基礎安全衛生圖說未能反映於施工介面上,導致安衛費用缺乏具體的數量依據無法依圖說實質查驗數量與計價。二、發包階段在制度面機關可採最有利標之方式,並有規定辦理工程採購安衛經費不隨得標金額之比例調整,但實際公共工程容易因工程預算有限仍採最低標造成低價搶標普遍,安衛預算低於實際經費需求。三、施工階段在實際安衛工作執行面承包商因預算成本控制壓力大,又因安衛經費在層層轉包後易遭剝削,最終施行安衛工作確實度取決於承攬廠商之重視程度。 研究結果關聯圖之因素分析除為探討營造工程發生原因,更需藉由分析資料來確認提出相關檢討及改善之建議。所以安全衛生工作是否落實,與政府機關於安全衛生工作上給予相對的資源投資,以及企業體之安全衛生文化建立也有相當關係,有效的管理、安全措施的完善及績效查核,都有助於防止災害的發生。


According to the information concerning occupational accidents in construction industry from the annual reports of Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan in 2011, which calculates the serious occupational disasters of all industries that happened in the last ten years, construction industry accounts for 49% of the total, which belongs to the industry of high risk. Since 2006, Executive Yuan has been promoting Taiwan Workplace 233 Disasters Reduction Scheme, and Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Scheme was formulated in 2009. In the same year, it revised and reinforced Operation Points of Public Project Labor Safety and Health Management, so as to reduce the incidence of occupational accidents and improve the management standard of labor safety and health in public projects to implement occupational safety and health work. Based on the above background motivation, this study collects related laws and regulations of occupational safety and health as well as information provided by practice of management and execution, attempts to explain the problems in the implementation of current public project safety and health work, explores the legal liability of safety and health management from construction projects and every stage of life circle, and draws association diagram of unimplemented safety and health work from the aspect of legal system and actual execution respectively, so as to clearly understand and clarify the cause of problems at all levels. The result of this study falls into the following analyses: First, at the planning stage, the system should make sure the planning of safety facilities drawings, however, due to the lack of experience of design organization, safety facilities drawings did not appeared on the construction site, which causes that the safe and health fee lacks specific quantity basis, so that the quantity and price cannot be examined according to drawings. Second, in the contracting stage, institutional authority can adopt the most advantageous tender, and stipulate that the purchased safety and health fund of management project must not adjust with the amount of tenders, but the actual public project is likely to adopt the minimum tenders due to limited budget, which leads to low tenders and the safety and health budget is lower than the actual fund demand. Third, in the construction stage, the work of contractor of actual safety and health work depends on the attention of contractors when implementing safety and health work due to difficult budget cost control and reduced safety and health fund after multi-level contracting. The study result shows that in addition to exploring the cause of construction engineering, the factor analysis of association diagram is used to propose suggestions of related self- criticism and improvement by analysis. Therefore, whether safety and health work is implemented or not is related to whether government invests relative resources in safety and health work as well as the establishment of safety and health culture in enterprises, effective management, improvement of safety measurement and performance appraisal all help to prevent the occurrence of accidents.


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