  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship between Self-Assessed Health and The Specialization of Yoga Participants

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


瑜珈是一項講求身心靈平衡的活動,對於忙碌生活的現代人而言,瑜珈這類低衝擊量的活動不僅有助於身體健康,甚至可以達到淨化心靈的目的;也因為它不受時間、場地與年齡的限制,因此這項活動逐漸獲得青睞。回顧國內有關「瑜珈」的相關實證研究,大多是以利用瑜珈介入特殊疾病的輔助治療以及有關瑜珈的參與動機及滿意度等方面之議題,但針對瑜珈活動在健康影響方面的研究鮮少,故本研究將探討瑜珈與健康之關係。 本研究之目的以SF-36台灣版問卷為測量工具探討瑜珈專業化程度對參與者健康的影響,本研究於2008年2月起至2008年3月以便利抽樣法對瑜珈參與者進行問卷調查。共發出770份問卷,回收639份有效問卷,有效回收率為83%。本研究結果如下: 一、瑜珈受訪者專業化程度分群 瑜珈受訪者以初階參與者的比例最高,佔60.6%;其次依序為新手參與者,佔27.7%、中階參與者,佔10.5%;而以專業參與者為最少,佔1.3%。 二、瑜珈受訪者性別、年齡與健康自評之關係 (一)男性瑜珈受訪者年齡與身體生理功能(PF)等八個SF-36健康量表值皆無顯著性。 (二)女性瑜珈受訪者年齡與身體生理功能(PF)、因情緒問題引起的角色限制(RE)、活力狀況(VT)、心理健康(MH)、社會功能(SF)、整體健康狀況(GH)有顯著性差異。 三、瑜珈受訪者健康自評與專業化程度之關係: (一)所有瑜珈受訪者之因情緒問題引起的角色限制(RE)、活力狀況(VT)、心理健康(MH)及整體健康(GH)與專業化呈現正相關。 (二)女性瑜珈受訪者之身體生理功能(PF)、因情緒問題引起的角色限制(RE)、活力狀況(VT)、心理健康(MH)及整體健康(GH)與專業化呈現正相關。 三、「促進身體健康」、「維持良好體能狀況」與「抒解生活壓力」為受訪者前三名之參與瑜珈活動之參與動機。 四、「沒有時間」、「場地距離遙遠」與「活動費用高」為瑜珈受訪者前三名之參與瑜珈活動之參與阻礙。 由研究結果,未來可更積極推廣瑜珈活動,以增進國人之健康。


瑜珈 專業化程度 SF-36 健康


Yoga is a kind of exercise to balance people’s physics and spirits. For the busy modern human, such a kind slow activity does not only improve plays’ physical health, but also mental health. Because it can be play at any place, this activity gradually become a popular exercise. Short Form-36 (SF-36) is a form recognized by World Health Organization to access people’s health. To review the past yoga’s research, most of them were to introduce yoga to help special patients, the participant’s motivations and satisfactions. There were few researches to use SF-36 as a tool to study yoga. The objectives of this research were to realize the relationships between the specialization of yoga participants and their self-assessed health by SF-36. Seven hundred seventy people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Six hundred and thirty-nine valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 83%. The surveys were conducted during the period of February to March 2008. The results of this study were the followings: 1. Most surveyed yoga participants were assessed as the primary level of specialization, the percentage was 60.6%, 27.7%, 10.5% and 1.3% of the surveyed ones were graded as new, the middle level, and the highest level of specialization, separately. 2. The relationship between gender and age of yoga participants and their self-assessed health (1) There were no significant difference between males’ yoga participants and their self-assessed health. (2) The values of physical functioning (PF), role limitations due to physical health problems (RE), vitality (VT), mental health (MH), social functioning (SF), and general health (GH) were significantly related to females’ yoga participants. 3. The relationships between the specialization of yoga participants and the self-assessed health (1) The values of role limitations due to physical health problems (RE), vitality (VT), mental health (MH), and general health (GH) were significantly positively related to surveyed yoga participant’s specializations. (2) The values of role limitations due to physical functioning (PF), physical health problems (RE), vitality (VT), mental health (MH), and general health (GH) were significantly positively related to surveyed female’s specializations. 4. The participant’s motivations, to improve physical health, to maintain good health condition, and to relax living pressure, were significantly related to surveyed yoga participant’s specializations. 5. The participant’s constraints, no time, the playground of yoga far away from home, and high expense, were significantly related to surveyed yoga participant’s specializations. According to the results of this research, we can encourage people to play yoga to improve their health.


yoga health Short Form-36 (SF-36) specialization




