  • 學位論文


The perspectives of residents on the living space The perspectives The perspectives of residents on the living spacesetting issues of the long term care institutions

指導教授 : 謝嫣娉


由於老年人口增加,未來入住機構人口勢必增加,因此本研究為了解機構住民對於機構空間配置之需求,將以問卷調查方式來了解機構住民對於機構空間配置的看法及需求,希望可提供給機構負責人作為未來機構空間的設計參考。研究對象為全台機構住民,先以分層隨機抽樣抽出機構後,再以立意取樣方式篩選出符合收案條件之住民進行問卷訪談,共發出1280份,收案結束後有效樣本為408份,回收率為37.5%。 研究結果如下:(1)機構住民認為「預防感染及意外設備的機能性」最重要,第二重要為「空間的健康性」;需要程度最高為「空間的健康性」,第二需要的為「預防感染及意外設備的機能性」。(2)入住前職業、居住機構地區、家庭月收入及接觸機構經驗會影響到需要程度高低。六大空間評估指標需要程度線性複迴歸分析的調整後R平方最低為6.8%,最高則達13.4%。 本研究結果發現住民對於便利性、隱私性、舒適性與社交活動性的重要與需要程度都較低,未來入住機構之高齡者對於上述四項指標的需要程度也會逐漸增加,因此未來機構在空間設置時可針對這四項指標加強規劃,以滿足住民的需求;政府在設置機構評鑑指標時,也可針對這四項指標增設評鑑指標,以跟上未來趨勢,相信便可創造出讓高齡者住的舒適與安心的空間。


Due to the increase in the population of elderly people, the population resides in long term care institutions must increase also. Therefore, in order to realize living space setting requirement of residents, we will use questionnaire survey to know resident’s requirement and perspectives, and the conclusions can be a good sample for designing space in the future. The research was conducted to the residents live in long term care institutions in Taiwan. We did stratified sampling design and choose institutions first, and then did purposive sampling sieved out the residents from institutions. The last step was did questionnaire interview with residents. Each of the 1280 subjects was given questionnaires to fill out. A total of 408 was valid. The effective questionnaire returns-ratio is 37.5%. Research report: (1) residents thought “Prevent infection and function of rescue equipment” is the most important. The second important is “Healthy of living space”; The most necessary is” Healthy of living space”, the second necessary is “Prevent infection and function of rescue equipment”.(2) The job before they lived in institutions, the area of institution, monthly earning of a family and experiences of contacting institutions. Above points affect the degree of necessary. Spatial extent of the six evaluation indicators need to linear regression analysis, adjusted R square of the minimum 6.8% and the highest is up to 13.4%. The conclusion of this research report as below, we found out that convenience, privacy, comfort and social activity are not the most important and necessary essential for residents. But we thought that it will be more and more important and necessary in the future. So, when we setting the living space we should consider above essentials and strengthen it to satisfy resident’s requirement; For keeping up with future advances, when government setting the evaluation index of institutions, they can also aimed at the essential of convenience, privacy, comport and social activity. We believe that it will create a comfort and ease living space for elderly people.


