  • 學位論文


Construction and Evaluation of Performance Indices for Bed and Breakfast Organizations

指導教授 : 曾喜鵬


台灣民宿產業蓬勃發展,許多民宿業者就透過聯盟、協會等組織型態,來做為交換經營管理經驗分享與資源共享之平台,以期提升服務品質與競爭力。依據交通部觀光局統計顯示,台灣目前共有17家民宿團體組織,而這些民宿團體組織皆以非營利為目的而成立,在經費來源與經營人力皆嚴重不足的情況下,許多當初因組織使命而加入之成員,往往因組織之績效不佳而減少參與程度,甚至退出組織;再加上許多其他觀光組織團體之競爭,使得民宿團體組織之參與人數愈來愈少,甚至可能因經營績效不彰而解散。 由於民宿團體組織的存在對於民宿產業具有重要性,除了可透過組織之運作提升整體品質,亦扮演民宿業者與政府溝通的橋樑。因此,民宿團體組織如何滿足組織成員所重視之服務,並維持會員之滿意度,甚至吸引更多其他民宿經營者加入,使民宿團體組織得以永續發展為ㄧ個重要課題。然回顧相關文獻發現,過去甚少針對民宿團體組織做相關的研究。因此,本研究以最早成立的全國性民宿團體組織「台灣民宿協會」之全部會員為研究對象,以非營利組織之相關理論為基礎,從文獻中歸納建構一組適合衡量民宿團體組織績效之評估架構與指標,再透過問卷調查,以重要-表現程度分析法,探討組織成員對組織績效評估指標之重視程度與組織之表現程度。 本研究歸納建構出衡量民宿團體組織績效之架構,包括行政服務能力、旅展行銷能力、公關活動能力、會員關心服務、與外界協助資源五大方面,其中「行政服務能力」為組織成員最重視之構面,而令會員最滿意的則是「行政服務能力」與「外界協助資源」兩方面。理事長的理念與服務熱忱、秘書處的專業程度、秘書處的服務態度、秘書處的行政效率、舉辦與民宿經營有關之教育訓練、與政府部門的互動交流等指標為組織成員最為重視之指標。此研究結果將可提供民宿團體組織經營者提升經營效之參酌。


Bed and breakfast ( B&B) industry is flourishing in Taiwan. Through the organization of unions and associations, many B & B groups do the exchange of experiences in business management, and share related resources to improve their service quality and upgrade their competitiveness. According to the survey of Tourism Bureau in Taiwan, there are 17 B & B non-official associations. These associations are founded under the principle of service and non-profit making. Under the insufficiency of funds and the shortage of enough human resource, the effectiveness and performance of these associations are not as good as their members have originally predicted and expected; consequently, this unsatisfying anticipation gradually leads to the low participation of most members, and even worse, it causes some members to quit from the associations. In addition, under the competition from other tourism organizations, B & B industry confronts more pressure; consequently, the members of the associations are shrinking, it might finally lead to the disintegration of the associations due to undesirable management and performance. The existence of associations for B & B groups is very essential. The associations not only can promote the quality of the management, but also can help bridge the communication between the government and B & B groups. Therefore, how to meet the requirements and demands of B & B groups, how to satisfy association membership with needed services, and how to attract more B & B owners to join the associations to keep continuing development of the organization has become an essential and imperative issue. Checking from the past literature review, we found the related studies on B & B groups’ organization are few. Therefore, this research sampled from members of “Taiwan Rural Accommodation Association” that was the first established National B & B groups’ organization in Taiwan. Based on the theories of non- profit organizations and collecting data from past literature, the appropriate evaluation criteria and scale to B & B groups’ performance have been developed and induced. Through the questionnaires and IPA method (importance - performance analysis), we also explore the membership’s satisfaction and emphasis on the evaluation criteria and scale to the overall performance and efficiency of the organization. In this research, there are mainly five domains that were used as the criteria to assess B & B associations. These five domains respectively are “Administrative Service Ability,” “Marketing Effectiveness in Travel Fair,” “Social Activity Skills,” “Membership’s guidance and assistance,” and “ Extra Resources from the External.” Among these domains, we find association members play importance on the domain of “Administrative Service Ability” most, and the domains on “Administrative Service Ability” and “Extra Resources from the External” are the most satisfying. “The Principle and Enthusiasm of the Director,” “The Professional Level of the Secretariat,” “The Service Attitudes of the Secretariat,” “The Administrative Efficiency of the Secretariat,” “Holding Related Instructions and Trainings on B & B running,” and “The communication and Interaction with the Governmental Bureaus,” are the important indexes that most membership pays highly attention and care. This research can be a very effective reference for B & B groups on upgrading and evaluating their management performance.


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