  • 期刊

Compact Service Activities of Farmers' Associations in Taiwan





農會 農民合作 多目標服務


This paper provided a brief account of the relation between farmers' and agricultural development. It also assessed the accumulated experience of Taiwan with reference to other countries. Farmers' association in Taiwan is a multipurpose cooperation and is designed to help members to solve their technical, financial and business problems. The performance of agricultural extension, farm credit, supply and marketing service in a coordinated way has been considered as the most effective solution. The various services performed by farmers association influence one another and cannot be separated, because they are interdependent. The products turned out by farmers are marketed cooperatively through the farmers' association. At the some time cooperative purchasing of farming materials and daily necessities is also an important activity of the farmers' association. Use the members' deposits as operating funds for cooperative transaction results in cheap buying and higher selling. Modern agriculture needs capital investment. The credit service extended by the farmers' association provides their members with sufficient and timely loans at reasonable interest rates. The extension programs of the farmers' association are related to all phases of the activities of the rural people. Using the net profit of cooperative transactions and credit activities of the farmers' association, the extension workers of the association impart knowledge and better farming and a share of the profit could be accumulated for reinvestment. Members' confidence in the farmers' association is strengthened accordingly. We can summarized the situations as follows. (1) enforcement of extension service to gain the members' confidence in order to expand deposits. (2) making use of deposited money to develop supply, marketing and rural credit services for increasing the business income of the association. (3) using the profits earned form purchasing, marketing and credit activities to expand extension service and build up the members' confidence in the association. Thus the three groups of services have been made interdependent upon each other.


黃國洲(2010)。農漁會重設信用部後經營績效評估- 以林內鄉農會信用部為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.10691
