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Tourism, Souvenirs, and Contemporary Cultural Practice: An Example from Textile Handicraft Tradition of Atayal in Wulai Village


歷經泰雅族族群大遷移,大約於1730年代北遷定居於現今臺北縣烏來鄉的烏來泰雅族(一稱屈尺群),在1885年清廷政治勢力尚未進入之前, 保有其族群織藝傳統。自日治時期以來,烏來地區即因具優勢條件而被開發為渡假觀光區, 而近年來,由於公部門主導的觀光力量及「文化產業」政策之催化,不僅提供鳥來泰雅人對自我族群文化意涵的檢視契機,進而促使他們試圖存續族群「傳統」或發展「新傳統」,呈現烏來泰雅織藝真實文化,以獲取觀光商機。本文試圖以烏來村因應觀光化情境所模塑的觀光紀念品為例,探究烏來村泰雅族族群織藝品過渡到觀光紀念品時,所產生的織作材質、技術、呈現形式等各面向之變遷,並闡述在此過程中逐漸形成的文化復振現象。終而綜論在「觀光經濟利益之營求」與「族群集體知識之展現」之製作理念的交相運作下,鳥來泰雅族觀光紀念品的製作、呈現與發展,如何藉由「觀光紀念品族群意象化」與「族群工藝品觀光商品化」二項策略之實踐,而在「族群內在取向」及「觀光外在取向」間尋求平衡支點。


烏來 泰雅族 觀光 族群織藝 文化實踐


In about 1730s a group of Atayal moved to Wulai in Taipei County. Before the political interferenc e of Qing government in 1885, these "Wulai Atayals" were able to maintain their tradition of the textile culture . During the Japane se rule, the Wulai region where they dwelt, because of its vantage in natural environment, developed as a tourist spot. In recent years, due to the "cultural industry" policy of the government and the tourist boost as its consequence, Wulai Atayals were provided a chance to reexamine the meaning of their own culture and consider whether they should attempt to preserve their own tradition or whether they should develop "new traditions" to represent the authenticity of the textile culture tourists sought for and thereby benefit from the business opportunity. Taking tourist souvenirs of Atayal in Wulai village as research topic, this paper attempts to discuss how tourist activities reformulate the tribal consciousness of Wulai Atayal, stimulate their strategies of ethnic handicraft, and shape the spatial and temporal background of tourist souvenirs. Moreover, this paper also describes the changes in the Wulai Atayal textile productions during the evolution from ethnic handicraft to tourist souvenir, as well as the "revitalized tradition" formulated in this evolution. Finally, this paper discuss how the Wulai Atayal tradition persists and evolves by the two strategies of practice, namely to commodify ethnic handicrafts into tourist souvenirs and to model tourist souvenirs under ethnic images.


游麗娟(2008)。泰雅族原住民神話故事『石生』─ 複合纖維繪本創作〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2008.00015
