  • 期刊


Gender Mainstreaming and Personnel Empowerment: A Case Study on the Training Curriculum and Teaching for Medical University Administrative Staff




Cultivating the gender consciousness of university administrative staff members is crucial for gender mainstreaming at universities. Administrative staff members of higher education institutions are key agents for promoting gender mainstreaming and implementing gender equality on campuses. This study adopted a qualitative panel design using questionnaires and semistructured in-depth interviews to investigate administrative staff members' learning outcomes from a gender mainstreaming curriculum at Kaohsiung Medical University and subsequently reflected on this educational training. The results indicate that implementing a systematic curriculum and offering rewards are fundamental elements for promoting learning motivation. Moreover, a successful gender mainstreaming curriculum must be relevant and possess a gender-specific perspective. Empowering administrative staff members through education with a gender mainstreaming curriculum emphasizes cognitive learning, attitude alteration and active participation. Basis on these research findings, several suggestions are proposed for gender mainstreaming curricula for university administrative staff.


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