  • 期刊

A Morphological Study of the Algal Symbionts of four Taiwan Lichens: Anaptychia comosa, A. dendricata, Parmelia caperata, and P. rudecta.


Three species of the phycobiont Trebouxia have been described in this investigation. On the basis of this study, all the algal symbionts isolated from the four species of lichens, namely, Anaptychia comosa, A. dendricata, Parmelia caperata, and P. rudecta, collected in Taiwan, belong to Trebouxia Group II. The results show that different species of lichens contain the morphologically identical algae (e. g. symbionts of A. comosa, and A. dendricata,) and that at times the same species of lichen may contain physiologically different forms of algal symbiont (e.g. P. caperata as compared in this study with my previous study, Wang-Yang, 1965). However, at the species level, lichen fungi are not highly specific with regard to their algal partners.

