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Specific Heat of Irradiated NaNO2 Crystals


Specific heat measurements of gamma-ray irradiated NaNO2 crystals are reported as a function of temperature near the incommensurate antiferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition point, TN, using a.c. technique. At TN = 164.65℃, a mean field discontinuity of specific heat is observed and it is superimposed by a power-law divergence for virgin NaNO2 crystal. The critical exponents are; α = 0.38 and α' = 0.05 for virgin NaNO2. The critical exponents for -y-ray irradiated ones are decreased as irradiation dose is increased. But the characteristic critical behavior is not so affected by the defects induced by irradiation in the range of 1 x 10^7 to 7 x 10' rad. This result seems to be due to the fact that the short range interaction is more important than the long range dipolar interaction in the phase transition. The roles of defects in the phase transition are discussed in conjunction with the experimental results.


