  • 期刊


Chemical Modification of Albizzia Falcataria and Cunninghamia Lanceolata Wood with Benzyl Chloride




Woods of Malacca albizzia (Albizzia falcataria) and China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) were chemically modified with benzyl chloride. The thermoplasticity of beazylated wood expected as the benzyl group was substituted for the hydrogen of hydroxyl group of wood component. Properties of chemically modified woods were investigated by weight percent gain, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), melting measurement and FTIR analysis. Comparing with various chemical modification conditions, the benzylated woods treated with longer time or higher temperature would have higher weight percent gain. The influence of treatment temperature on the modification effectiveness was higher than the treatment time. Beazylated woods would melt under heating process, and the melting temperature decreased with the increasing of weight percent gain. But the untreated wood would not melt at the process of heating. DSC thermal analysis could not be used to show the thermal softening properties of benzylated wood. FT-IR spectra showed that the benzyl group had been introduced into the wood structure of beazylated wood, and the more degree of benzylating the higher intensity of the characteristic absorption would be.
